
Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 67: Will you hold my hand?

Hello dearest people! 

This week was so great, I don't even know where to start or how to help you understand so here it goes:

Montie. Is definitely getting baptized this Saturday. He is not going to let anything hold him back! We had another incredible lesson with him this week-one of the most powerful. We met him in a member's home to teach him the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Spirit was SO STRONG. The member was testifying to him about repentance and Montie just wept. It was so tender. His life has turned around completely from the last few years, he knows that Jesus is his best friend and he is going to do anything that it takes to follow him. I tell him every day that he is teaching me the gospel; I have learned so much from him and I cannot wait to see what work the Lord has for him to do. He is going to be a powerhouse for the Lord's work!

One of my favorite things to be a part of is to watch the atonement carry someone right before my eyes. We got a text from an investigator with bad depression telling us that she was feeling really bad at that moment. We ran right over there and she looked like Satan had just beat her down and that is pretty much what he did to her. We had no idea what to say or how to help her to feel better. All that I knew was to help her to understand the atonement. We read Alma 7 with her and talked to her about how much Jesus loves her that he voluntarily went through everything that she would so he would know exactly how to help her to feel better. After talking for a while, she started smiling, and was even laughing by the time that we left. It was a complete turn-around. I was watching the atonement take action right before my eyes. 

My entire life, Sunday was a day of rest. For the last 15 months, Sunday is game day! Yesterday was the craziest and most productive hour and a half yet. 1st, we went to Summer's house to have breakfast with the family and to get them all pumped to go to church, from there, we left to go knock on a less-actives door to make sure that she was going, and lastly, we drove across town, to go wake Noelle up and help her to get ready for church. Typically, we are at least a half and hour early to church to wait for everyone, but yesterday, we walked in 2 minutes before Sacrament meeting started! The best news is: EVERYONE ACTUALLY CAME. That never happens!!!! It was awesome!! 

Going on a mission is hands-down, the best decision that I made besides getting baptized when I was 8 years old. I'm a completely different person now and I have grown so much! I absolutely love to be in the service of the Lord! 

Favorite moment of the week:
Sitting in sacrament meeting with Summer's family: 
1st of all, I walked in late with them so they wouldn't feel awkward. After everyone found a seat her 7 year-old whispered to me: "Will you hold my hand?"
Me: "Of course!"
Her:(a few minutes later...) "hold on, I gotta scratch my foot!"
(proceeds to do so and grabs my hand again) A few minutes later, she was asleep on her sisters lap and her sister was biting her fingernails and wiping the nail bit in her sister's hair. Not too long after that, they were both asleep and snoring. They fit right in. 

I love you all! Take care, and remember that God answers prayers!! 

Pday pool for dayzzzzz

Montie is the best.

2 house...Welcome to Salina

This is what happens when we walk in late to Pday

My 1st day back in Salina, I found this above my bed....

We love nightly planning.

Left a love note for our sisters


Happy Birthday Sister Hartung!! 

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