
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week 65: "I'll crawl in your pocket"‏


Oh man, this week. Was packed. Packed full of exchanges, miracles, and solid investigators! 

Miracle number one: just 30 minutes ago while emailing, the church phone rang and it was a woman who wants to get married in our chuch and thier family is looking for a church!! WHAT. That never happens! I just stood there in shock for a few seconds before I responded! I'll keep you updated on how that goes :)

Miracle number two: while on exchanges, we were invited to go to mutual to help some of the teenagers in the ward answer their friend's questions about the Gospel. One of the girls brought her non-member friend that aparently has been coming for 2 months! 

Miracle number three: We were talking to the elders about how we really needed to find a few more investigators this week. As we were talking, a member called us to tell us that he was with someone right then that wants to meet with us and learn about the Gospel!! We met with her yesterday, and she has definitely been prepared to learn and to live the Gospel, we are meeting with her tonight to discuss and make plans for her baptism at the end of the month. 

Okay, we are working with this awesome investigator named Montie. He has known members of the church very well his entire life. Sometimes, I feel that he knows more about the Gospel than me! He has introduced several people to the Gospel and they were even baptized! I totally think that he is going to be a bishop some day. The only reason that he has not joined yet is because he did not feel ready to live the word of wisdom until now. His prayer was one of my favorite's of my mission. "God, I'm going to put you in my pocket, and you can put me in your pocket." He then promised Heavenly Father that he would be baptized on March 28th. I am so excited to work with him. 

I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I had a moment this week that made me realize me deep love and devotion for the Gospel that the Savior has given us. I have so much to learn about it but I am grateful for the opportunity that Heavenly Father loves me enough to let me stretch and grow. I pray that you all are seeing miracles and feel the love that the Savior has for you! Love you lots! Remember that God answers prayers!

Sister Parry 

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