
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week 61: Catch-Up!

So, last week I ran out of time to email and I take soooo long to write these things so this week, I am going to START by writing this! 

The last 2 weeks were SO COOL. I learned a ton, and saw a lot of miracles. That's all you need to know, right? haha jokes! 

God's timing just blows my mind every day! He truly can be involved in every aspect of our lives if we let him. I have gotten the chance to meet people who God has been preparing for years to listen to our message now! 

We were able to see an awesome miracle last week. The other sisters were struggling to find people to teach so we decided to help them. I cannot even describe the excitement that we had! After praying about it, Sister Jensen and I decided that there was an elect family in this neighborhood that we were going to find for them within the 45 minutes that we had. It was not just a wish that there was, but we just knew that they were here. We literally talked to everyone that we could to find this family. Our 45 minutes were almost up when we knocked on one last door. The family that lives there turned out to be the sister of someone who is preparing to be baptized! She was really interested and the Spirit told us that these where the ones that we were looking for. 

Thomas S. Monson promises us that "The future is as bright as your faith" Just like our body uses food to give us energy, our faith is what Heavenly Father uses to give us blessings. 
This week, we went on exchanges with the STLs that serve in Salina!(My first area) No, I didn't get to visit, but I heard some great news! A convert that I taught there, is getting ready to go to the temple soon!!!!!!!! I cannot even begin to tell you how happy and at peace that makes me. 14 months ago, I had no idea what kind of adventures, challenges, people, and miracles that God had in store for me that would shape me so much. I know that I still have no idea what God has in store for me and all of us in the future! 

Lately, we have been having some pretty interesting are some highlights: 
"I'm not racist, I don't like anyone!"(said by a 60 year-old black lady)

"Thank you for letting us contact so many spirits today. Haha, Heavenly Father, I didn't mean to say that!"(praying can be pretty exhausting)

(A conversation with members during dinner)
Them: "So, Sister Parry, how long have you been on your mission?"
Me: "Not quite 14 months"
Them: "(whistles) Wow, you're almost done! You know, I have a really hot little brother that you can marry! I can give you his email." 
Me: "UHHHH................" 

(The best conversation with an almost-deaf lady)
Her: "The book of what?"
Me: "The book of MORMON."
Her: "The book of WHAT??" 
Me: "The book of MORMON!!!! Do you think that God could give us more scripture?"
Her: "Yes! Over there!(points)" 
Sister Jensen: "What?"
Her: "Didn't you just ask me where I live?"

I hope that you all have a FANTASTIC week full of faith and miracles! I love you! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry 

old comps reunited! 

name tag!

The district.

I looked out the window and what did I see? 2 Indian met smoking hookas. Kansas. 

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