
Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 67: "Come Hell or High Water, I'm getting my butt baptized!"‏

Mi Familia! 

How was your week? I know that I say this every week, but I really cannot decide if this week was 2 hours long or 2 years long...time's a struggle. 

So, this week, I went on exchanges back in Manhattan and we saw a total miracle! We knocked on a door and a woman that only speaks Spanish answers...uh oh. the 2 of us both served in the West, so combined, we were able to find out that she is a member from out of the country and she was visiting her non-member daughter that goes to college in Manhattan! Also, I met a man that is deaf and somehow committed him to go church(don't ask me how because he can't read words or lips and I can't sign) But it was so cool! 

Okay, I have to tell you all about Summer! We were trying to contact a former investigator from when I was serving here a year ago, when 2 little girls ran up to us and wanted us to meet their mom. We met her and she is so cool, she said that she is Agnostic, but believes in everything. I have never met someone who is so knowledgeable about so many religions. She was interested in learning more about the Book of Mormon, so we made an appointment for a few days later. When we came back, she had just picked up her brother who is a member from jail. He promised God that he would follow him if God would help him. When he saw us, he started crying and took that as a sign that he needs to go back to church. Summer had obviously had one of the worst days ever. She also started crying and literally asked every single question of the soul! We were blown away and that was the last thing that we were expecting to happen! We are going back over there and we really want to help her feel God's love for her. 

Montie is doing so great. I have never taught anyone that is planning their own baptism. We sat down to teach him(he pretty much teaches us the Gospel) and he told us that he had already asked a member in the ward to baptize him. He has people coming in from all over the country to see him get baptized! I'm so pumped. This last week, he got a blessing from the elders and has committed to live the Word of Wisdom! He is so determined to get baptized on the 28th and so are we! 

God is so good to us everyone! Miracles are happening, the atonement is real and God answers prayers! 

Lots of Love, 
Sister Parry

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