
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week 64: Salina X2

Mi Famillia! 

Guess what! I'm back in Salina! I still don't know how I pulled that off! Being back in the area that I started is sureal. I was looking around at church yesterday and saw people blessing the sacrament that did not even believe in God a year ago! It's amazing to see how much the ward has grown and how the work has picked up here! The highlight was definitly seeing Shelley Griffeth! She is doing so great! In fact, she is planning on going to the temple for the 1st time in April and I might be able to go! (fingers crossed) 

My companion is Sister Hartung, I've known her a little bit on my mission and she is one of the sweetest people I've ever met! This is her last transfer and she is teaching me so much! I am so lucky to be companions with her! 

So a miracle this week: We called one of our investigators, Noelle, Saturday night making sure she was still planning on coming to church Sunday. When she picked up the phone she told us she was super stressed. We asked what had been going on and she proceeded to tell us that her sister was trying to sell her parents old house in hutch and that she didn't want her to and that her sister can't seem to get past their death. She started sobbing and crying out, "they're gone! And they're not coming back! they're never coming back.." We had never seen her have an emotional outburst like this. We could tell she had been holding her fears and feelings in about her parents death for a while. She told us she just felt alone and had felt alone most of her life. We asked her if she had ever heard that poem "footprints in the sand". She said she loved that story because she felt like this man was her at times. She bore her testimony of how God has never forsaken her (let me remind you this is still a phone conversation, we were not there in person) and that He has always been there. Then she said, "I feel Him right now. I feel so peaceful right now! I have never felt like this before.. I love this feeling." We then testified that when she is baptized and receives the gift of the Holy Ghost she can have that feeling all the time, that He becomes our constant companion. She said she was so excited for that and is preparing to be baptized March 21st! Satan made her son throw up all night so unfortunately she didn't come to church. But she definitely felt a confirming spirit and will be there next week!

Sorry that the letter is a bit short this week, but I am having a blast and growing more that I can keep up with! I hope that you all have a fantastic week and remember that God answers prayers! 
Lots of love, 
Sister Parry

Quote of the week: 
"My son was born by C-section so every year instead of telling him "Happy Birthday" we tell him "Happy Removal Day!!"" 

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