
Monday, June 2, 2014


Oh my goodness, I just got the best news!! Alexia's dad was baptized last week!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for them! 
Okay, so the Lord has started to pump up the humidity here in Kansas...

We were on the bikes+humid+sweat=we were a SIGHT!! All week long! I have to depend on the Spirit for anyone to even take me seriously! 

Can you believe it? In 3 days, it is my 6 month anniversary!! WHAT. Time flies by so fast! I am 1/3 of the way done! Only 1 year left! 

In other news, I found a couple of spiders. Except one of them found me. I found and DESTROYED a brown recluse spider one morning, that was pretty exciting. That night, we were kneeling down to pray when Sister Heger GASPS AND POINTS TOWARDS ME. I look over to find another Brown Recluse spider running by my leg! WHAT. The only thing worse than finding a spider is losing a spider! After we lost it, I REFUSED to kneel on the floor. 

On a happier note, we are working with the best less active ever. She is so cool! She asked us to explain the 12 tribes of Israel to her which is a pretty complicated story with deep doctrine(I just cover the basics!) so, we pulled out the sticky notes and told her the story of the Great Baby Battle! It was a hit! Ever since, she is in full out war with us trying to read a conference talk that we have not read yet. Good luck Adelle, good luck! 
I obviously need some work with my humility because all week long, the Spirit directed me to get a blessing from the elders and I could not get myself to ask for one! I decided to ask for one when at church, someone talked about the importance of asking for help, and my investigator was sure to point that part out to me...It's a work in progress okay?!

The blessing was so great, I was told that my mission is a short time and I need to take every opportunity to invite others to come unto Christ.

The Lord likes to use the train to provide miracles for us! We were waiting for the train, and knocked on a door close to the tracks. Turns out, the guy that answered the door is the nephew of a ward member! I don't know about you, but I don't believe in coincidences! 

This week we also had exchanges and honestly, I was a bit nervous for it! Something crazy always happens on exchanges!! Luckily, nothing TOO CRAZY happened other than the usual craziness! I love exchanges though, it's fun, and it always teaches me so much about my teaching that I don't realize! 

This week was also interviews with President Bell. Oh my goodness, he is the best! In my interview, he had to answer a phone call, so I looked through his open scriptures in front of me and WOW!! He is so inspired! I love to read his comments in the columns!

I know that I have so much to learn, so much to do, and so much to grow. Life is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself. EXCEPT, I am not going to do as good a job at that as the Savior can, so I am just going to give my life up to him, and let him make all the calls! 

I love and miss you all! Remember that God answers prayers! 
Sister Parry

Found and DESTROYED another Brown Recluse spider. GROSS!


I got him to smile on camera. YES!

Oh, what's that? ANOTHER BROWN RECLUSE SPIDER NEXT TO ME WHEN I AM ABOUT TO PRAY! I refused to kneel on the ground after that...

"Sister Parry, smile!"

This is John. We took selfies with him. Not sure why.

You can put a name tag on Auntie Sarah but you can never take the auntie out of Sarah. This is the most adorable 3 year-old in Kansas!

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