
Monday, June 9, 2014

Confessions of a 6 month Missionary

This was written by a sister named Sister Cramer and all I have to say is AMEN!!

"So, now that I am at my six month mark, this is my confessions of a sis mish part of the life here in Kansas
1. it is so flat here.  a bump in the road (or hills as they eagerly call it) is something cherished.
2. I still feel like I know nothing.  I hope that I actually do know SOMETHING, but it feels like I know nothing! haha
3.  everyone talks in accents and uses words in incorrect tenses
4. We are always tired. And it never seems to get better
6. Members who live here are mostly converts or are from utah.  It is interesting to see the difference of mormon culture
7.  If you were raised in kansas, you stay in kansas your whole life.  Growing up in california, when people said they were from the east, you thought east of the country.  Here if you say you are from the east, they mean easter kansas.  it's so funny!
8. I love it here! It is SO WORTH it!  You get to a point when you stop and wonder "why? Just Why?" and then you look around and see all the potential and are reminded exactly WHY! There are people in Kansas that we are here for! Even if sometimes it feels like we have to lift boulders to find them."

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