
Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 27: Faith like a Mustard Seed

Transfers are this week and................I'm staying!! I have a curse that I need to humble all of the future Sister Training Leaders! Haha That is Sister Heger's fate as well. It is so bitter-sweet! We have gotten really close but I know that change needs to happen to keep on growing. We are working with so many people that are so insanely CLOSE that it HURTS. Seriously, our investigator gave us family heirlooms this week. They are mustard seed necklaces I picked out the one that belonged to her mother and Sister Heger has one that belonged to her grandmother. I just love her! 

I cannot believe that I have been on a mission for 6 months! Time flies by so fast! I am having the time of my life and learning so much every single day! We learned a hard lesson this last week. A few of our people do not want to meet with us anymore. It just breaks my heart to watch someone feel the Spirit so strongly and not want it. 

I can't believe how much my mission has taught me. I am constantly learning and growing every day. I am learning so much about humility and how to work as a team. Missions are hard, but they are life changing and so, so worth it! 

I got to do one of my very favorite things this week! That is to teach a little kid how to pray! Prayers are amazing! My other favorite thing is to hear people pray. Especially recent converts and those who do not pray often. I just love to listen in to people talking to Heavenly Father! 

Sorry that the letter is short this week but I got to go teach people! I love and miss you all! I hope that you have an amazing week! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry


I actually found the world's smallest violin :D

I would if I could

Mexican food is pretty extreme here

The turtles are pretty much locals here

We love our peeps!

Why did the turtle cross the road? To meet the missionaries!

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