
Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 29: How to be a Mormon 101

Well hello there! 
This week I feel like I walked through a whirlwind and a good way! 
First of all, we need to talk about Julie....GOLDEN Julie. I talked about her a bit last week, but this week was even crazier! We get there and she just found out that a family member just passed away but lucky for her because we came prepared to teach the Plan of Salvation! She wasted no time with chit-chat and we got right to the point! She hung up the phone turned to me and said,
"Okay, PRAY."
Got it. 
The lesson was soooooo good! She just absorbed everything! She had so many questions, the Spirit was strong and want to know the best part? She had read Joseph Smith's testimony and said, "He saw the angel 3 times, I don't think that he was lying!!" 
Me:"So you believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God?!"

Do you want to know something that I love to watch? I love to watch people's faces light up when they learn about Jesus performing miracles for the 1st time! "DID YOU SEE THAT?!?! HE WAS JUST DEAD AND NOW HE IS ALIVE!!! THAT IS SOOOOOO COOL!!" 

This week was also full of invitations. We were invited to a beer party on one day and the next day, we were invited to attend someone's sermon! We must be getting popular. LOL 
So, I have been told what it means to be a "Real Mormon" coming from a professional mover who peeks at the inside of Bibles to see how much you read it. According to her, all "real Mormons" ALWAYS write in their Book of Mormons and they have a stock pile of food that they want to take with them. She came across a Mormon family that did neither one of these and was very close to telling them that if they were NOT real Mormons and if they were going to be Mormon, they better do it right! I told her that the next time that happens, just give us their address.... 
Some of the random exciting moments of the week consisted of living with a swarm of fruit flies all week long, finding a 6th Brown Recluse Spider, teaching the Plan of Salvation with a random horse, going to the zoo, and having a scripture battle with the elders....we won. :) (Revelation 3:15-16 + Genesis 25:34 = COOL BEANS.)
I hope that you all have a fantastic week! Always remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry

Hello and welcome to the Emporia District Ugly Face Contest! Sponsored by Elder Landroche stealing my camera! The 1st contestant is Sister Andersen:

 The 2nd contestant is Elder Karchner:

Next up we have Elder Landroche:

And Elder McDaniels:

Now for Sister Parry:

Of course we can't forget about Elder Daines:

I saw and caught fireflies for the 1st time EVER!

We were ATTACKED by fruit flies

"The field is white already to harvest"

"The field is white already to harvest"

We made a friend

You know your in Kansas when..

found this on our investigator's porch hahaha love that Jesus and Peter is walking on water..

The Brown Recluse count is up to six...SIX!!!


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