
Monday, June 16, 2014

Week 28: The ER curse lives on..

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

This week has been quite a whirlwind! Sister Heger and I got her all packed up, said our goodbye's and sent her off to Wichita! While in Wichita, I was able to sit with every single one of my companions all at once! It was so amazing! 

So, I met my new companion Sister Andersen and the 1st thing that I did was give her a hug and warn her about my companion's curse. Almost all of my companions have gone to the ER and have become an STL. Well....3 days later, the mission nurse sent us to the ER because of her foot! Seriously?! Obviously, The Lord is trying to teach me something and I don't know how to take a clue! Sister Andersen is doing good, she had an allergic reaction to a bug bite. 

I have been teaching her the ways of biking in a skirt, and she is doing awesome! I am wearing her out! One night, I was brushing my teeth and she walks in and grabs something from the closet and walks away. A few seconds later she walks back, and looks very concerned and asks me, "Why am I holding my tweezers?!?!" Yep, I think that she is a little tired! I just about died, it was hilarious! 

It is amazing what blessings the Lord has in store for us if we will just get out of the way and let him lead us! We went to contact a referral from the elders, and when we got there, she had a Restoration pamphlet highlighted, taken notes, answered the questions in the back, and had questions ready for us! Whaaaaaaat?! No one does that! She has definitely been prepared! 

So this morning, I was doing my makeup and out of the corner of my eye I see a brown recluse spider crawling next to me. REALLY?! That makes 5 now! I think that I must be getting paranoid! 

A few weeks back, we taught someone all about the 12 tribes of Israel via sticky notes, and this week, she told me that she loved it so much that she actually has started to write an article to the Ensign about it....I keep telling her that the Holy Ghost just knows her too well! 

The sad news this week is that I have officially lost my quad. I mean, I must be the only missionary in the world without a bible!! 

Life here in Emporia is the best thing ever! I absolutely love the missionary life, I hope that you are all doing awesome and I love and miss you all! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry

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