
Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 22

I will just let you assume that every week is crazy out here! 
We'll start out small and work our way up I guess! 

I have found out that I am SUPER AWKWARD when it comes to talking to people my own age! Sister Heger and I decided to overcome this so after some role-plays, we jumped in the shark tank! AKA Emporia University! We ended up having a super long conversation about the gospel with a guy and we walked away pretty proud that we didn't scare him off! 

My advice for the week is this: never tell a pre-med student that your companion performed her own mini-surgery on her toe with a nail clipper when she got a rock stuck in it. hahahaha we keep these poor elders on their toes! 

We had another intense lesson with our investigator this week. Does anyone have any good advice on making that leap of faith? It' KILLS me to see her SOOOOOO CLOSE to knowing the church is true! Stay tuned because hopefully, we'll be seeing a few people in white pretty soon ;)
Speaking of people in white, poor Debbi(the one that wants to be baptized) is in the ICU right now. I am always growing my testimony of the power of the priesthood, because it was a black and white difference after she received her blessing! 

I love it when the Lord uses crazy situations and turns them into teaching opportunities! It all started when we were riding our bikes in the rain. I was turning and noticed that the ground was getting closer and closer until we met. The best part of falling was that it was at a 4-way stop with no less than 20 people watching the whole thing! LOL Fast forward to after we got to where we were going and I felt a little ridiculous. We were drenched, and our investigator was not even home. Just then, a man waved us down and turns out, he is looking for a church! If I didn't fall earlier, we would have completely missed him! His soul is worth much more than my hip anyways! 

Well, our ride to Walmart is here, so know that I love you all and that God answers prayers! 
Loves and a hug from Kansas,
Sister Parry
Obedience is the price, faith is the power, love is the motive, the Spirit is the key and CHRIST is the reason! 

We made a friend! This little guy followed us around for a solid hour while we tracted an area and even helped us teach a lesson! His name is Korihor. :)

When our investigator let us leave our bikes at her place, we found a note on it, so we attacked her car with pass-along cards :)

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