
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Week 23: Keep Keeping On ,,,

I hope that everyone is doing awesome! Skyping with the family was great, and the perfect way to start off a week! I know that I say this every week, but I am seriously humbled every. Single. Day. It is such a blessing! 

The major update is that Debbi is out of the hospital and is back in town again!! It is such a relief to have her close again! We are still going strong with getting her baptized on the 24th of May! 

I love the craziness that happens all day, every day, but I love the tender moments as well. Yesterday, it was sitting around with 4 missionaries, and the bishop's family singing "Over the Rainbow" to the bishop playing the ukelele! I love finding the blessings from Heavenly Father if we will allow him to bless us! 
The funny moment of the week was the other day, we accidentally missed our turn, and drove down a random dirt road to find nothing except a peacock. In the middle of Kansas. I'm confused. Come to find out, a family owns 3 of them! Well, welcome to Kansas! 

The awkward moment of the week was when I accidentally zoned out when my companion was saying a prayer and didn't hear her say "amen" I promise, I really do pay attention otherwise! 
The sad moment of the week was when you are more willing to run up several flights of stairs before you are willing to walk down one hallway, it REAKS in there! 

The hard moment of the week was when a little girl tried to kiss me goodbye and I couldn't give her a kiss back! Seriously, being around kids is the hardest rule for me! 

The learning moment of the week was when you sticky-note attack to doorbell ditch an investigator's door, don't accidentally wave to them when you see them when your running away! Whoops! 
We have been struggling to find new people to teach lately. We have been racking our brains to find out what else we can do to help with this. I realized the other night, that it was not our efforts that we are struggling with, it's our faith! That is the new goal of the week to work setting the example of having stronger faith! Just like our body uses vitamins and minerals to function, the Lord uses our faith to help us function. I love what Preach My Gospel says about faith:

"Faith in Christ leads to ACTION. It leads to sincere and lasting repentance. Having faith causes us to try as hard as we can to learn about and become more like our Savior. We want to learn what His commandments are and then obey them. Even though we will still make mistakes, we show our love for Him by striving to keep his commandments and avoid sin."

Sister Allen's favorite scripture also helped to boost up my faith: "Press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope." 

I pray that we all can use our faith and do the Lord's work with it! The best thing that I can do is to get out of the Lord's way and follow him! I love and pray for you all! Keep keeping on! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Loves and a hug from Kansas, 
Sister Parry

Took a wrong turn and found a peacock! Welcome to Kansas

we have a cat friend now. No idea what he looks like though...

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