
Monday, May 19, 2014

Week 24: The Zoo

So, every year for years I have ALWAYS gone to the zoo! I love the zoo. I am not about to break the tradition and it turns out that Emporia has a free zoo!! Yes. 
We were biking along trying to catch a referral when my bike chain fell off again. After, it took seemingly forever to fix, we were on our way when a very long, and very slow train went by. No problem, we'll just knock on a few doors. Finally, we made it to the referral who was not home. We started to bike past when ANOTHER 2 trains came along. It took me long enough, but I figured it out! I turned to Sister Heger and said, "Okay, obviously the Lord needs us to talk to someone around here and we need to find out who!" 1st door that we knock on, we talked to them for a while. She works in and out of Utah and has a lot of friends who are members! They also gave us a few referrals! Do you believe in coincidences? I don't. 
Speaking of coincidences, let me tell you about church. So, Pam came to church!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!! Every song, every speaker, every single thing about church seemed to directly point at Pam getting her answer if the Joseph Smith was a prophet. I was almost in tears from laughing so hard in sacrament meeting! She texted us later and said, "some topic huh?" hahahahahaha
I found out this week that Sister Heger has the gift of tongues! We stopped to help a lady who was working in her yard and this is how the conversation went:
Me: "Hi! Can we help you with that?" 
Her: "Yes!"
Me: "Great, let me grab that for you...."
Her: "No hablo ingles"
Me: "uh..........." 

She did not speak ANY English at all! Lucky for us, my companion has taken a few years of high school Spanish and we were over there for a 1/2 hour! I sat there and said, "Si!" whenever it seemed appropriate! Now, the extent of my Spanish reaches as far as: "No hablo Espanol!" It sadly has come in handy several times since then! 

We had the BEST training this week! It started out with the President's assistants tackling each other dressed as Iron Man, and ended with a role play entirely on rejections! We learned that there is absolutely NOTHING to be scared of!! 

"What is the best thing that will happen from talking to people?"
"They go to Heaven."
"What is the worst thing that can happen from talking to people?"
"We die."
"So, either we go to Heaven or they go to Heaven!" 
Way to keep it real Elder Stopper.

Update on Debbi: We found out yesterday that she in back in the hospital with pneumonia! Nooooooo! something ALWAYS goes wrong the week of baptism! We are keeping our faith strong and the prayers ever going! 

One day, I will have the time to tell you everything that I learn by being on a mission! A mission teaches you so much about yourself and more importantly, The Lord. I have grown so much closer to him in these last 5 1/2 months! Remember that God answers prayers!!!

Loves and a hug from Kansas, 
Sister Parry
Welcome to Emporia's zoo! Here you see 2 missionaries in their natural habitat. If your smile at them, they may give you a Book of Mormon.

Look Elder Spiders!

Maybe Bilbo Baggins lives here

I got a new BIKE! Her name is Ester. 

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