
Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 7

Hello friends!
This week has been all over the place! Let's start from the top shall we?
Last Monday night, we had exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders, which means that we trade companions for 24 hours. It was pretty funny because, I stayed in Salina with Sister Smith who doen't know the area at all and I barely know the area! We went to a dinner appointment, and then to FHE at a family's house that I am really familiar with. We taught a lesson and the cousin who is living with them told me that he was going to come to church(he has not been active in years) And he did! That was the 2nd week in a row! I am so proud of him! The next day, we went to visit a member's house who has a lot of physical and emotional issues. We were planning on teaching her about access to the priesthood even when it is not in your home. While we were there, she got really bad news and I had to call the elders so that she could recieve a blessing. It's pretty amazing how the priesthood and the spirit work together! The rest of transfers went smoothly, I found out that I know the area better than what I realize and I learned that not only is Kansas filled with Pizza Hut Buffets but also to appreciate Sister Runia! I really missed her!
We had zone conference on Wednesday and that was pretty amazing, the AP's taught a training which really got me thinking. So, I am reaching out to all of you to ask you what your thoughts and impressions are about meekness? I have come to find out that I don't know very much about it at all! I want you to write me this week and tell me what you think about it! Challenge accepted?
This week, my whole zone and companion got the flu. You know it's bad when Elder Holbrook starts passing around disinfecting wipes like candy. The Lord is merciful and I did not get the flu but my companion had it for 3 days! So, I got a good amount of study time this week! We eventually realized, that we did not have any food that she could hold down, so we called the elders while they were at the grocery store and asked them to pick up something. We were expecting a sandwich or a can of soup or something like that. They showed up with 3 bags of groceries! They then gave her a priesthood blessing so that was great! Funny story though: While she was recovering, we went to a dinner appointment where they usually feed us pasta so we were not too worried. When we got there, we had fish tacos. In case you didn't know, fish tacos and the flu do not fly well together LOL. We also had another fun dinner appointment at an investigator's house. Her husband is from Nepal and it was a holiday, so they had all of us missionaries over and taught us how to make Mo-mos! It was a mo-mo missionary assembly line! While we were leaving, the husband gave me a hug which would have been fine if I were not a missionary, I laughed and told Sister Runia about it as we were getting in the car, and she said,  "that's okay, because I got kissed on the cheek by another man there!" I think that she won the awkward contest for the week...
The next day, the investigator came to church with her daughter! She is getting so close to really progressing! Church was ward conference, so we got to hear from the stake. Let me tell you that the Spirit was so strong!
Whoever says that missionaries can't have fun has not served a mission. We went to the Smith's house for lunch on Sunday; after they let me practice teaching a lesson to them, Sister Runia and I took advantage of the 70 degree weather and joined the kids playing outside! If you want a challenge, try poko-sticking in a pencil skirt and tell me how it goes!
We went to the Smith's for dinner and I got to hear how to do an auctioneer's voice! Don't worry, I'll practice until next June so you all can hear ;) I was telling them about my phobia of people on stilts and the grandson ran out and walked back in on stilts. OF COURSE. I walked myself into that one! They taught me how, and I sort of got it! I think that I am the road to recovering of this fear! Well, I was until Sister Runia started chasing me around the house on them! I was half terrified and half entertained.
Overall this week was filled with the Spirit, I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to serve Heavenly Father. I see miracles every day and meet the most amazing people. I hope that I can have 1/2 of the influence on them as they have influenced me! The Lord really is hastenting his work and I challenge you to join in! Don't forget to write me about your thoughts about meekness! Remember that God answers prayers!

Loves and a hug(from a Nepal man)
Sister Parry

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