
Monday, January 27, 2014

Sad News

K so this week Sarah received some very sad news. One of her very best friends Chris Vass killed himself. They were very close friends for many years. Thus many of you haven't gotten any personal emails from her and she has no main letter to post this week as she comes to terms with the news.

That being said I know that many of us family members and close friends are concerned for her and want to know how she is doing. It sounds like she still needs some time to fully process and she said she will make some kind of letter/statement, but in the meantime the following is an excerpt from a letter that she sent to Mom & Dad this week:

"So this week has been....different. You already know about the bad news about Chris Vass. That has made this week very hard. it is so sad and I am torn. Although this week has been one of the worst of my life, I have never felt so blessed. After I got off the phone with Dad, I got in the shower to soak in the news. When I got out, the zone leaders where standing in the doorway in their pj's and slippers ready to give me a blessing. They also felt prompted to sing "Nearer My God to Thee" It was speacial. Elder Stratton had a companion a few months back whose best friend committed suicide. He gave me words of comfort as well. Since then, I have gotten endless phone calls from missionaries and Sister Bell. The ward has also been very helpful as well. Out of everyone, Sister Runia has been my biggest blessing. It would be all too easy to busy ourselfs to the point that I could never think about Chris until right before bedtime. But she knows that that is not what I need. She is making sure that I let myself heal. I think that it will always hurt a little no matter what. But I am okay, sad, but okay.
The Lord does not with hold his blessings from me. I have never felt so blessed in all my life. We got 3 new investigators this week and one of them has committed to be baptized(it's the one that I told Dad about on the phone) She bore her testimony to us and knows that this is where her answers are. She has been so prepared I cant believe it! I cannot wait to work with her to get her ready for baptism. All in all, this week was the hardest week of my life. But I know that this is where I need to be. Kansas while serving the Lord and his children is just what I need to get through this trial in my life. I love you and miss you. I have also written actual letters but I have not had the chance to go to the post office yet so sorry!
I love you so much!
remember that God always answers prayers!
Sister Parry"

Those of you who would like more information please call or email me directly. Obviously, I am not posting all of the information here out of respect for Chris's family and Sarah.  

On a different but related note,

Sarah has requested that any packages and mail be sent to this address:

2096 S Woodward Rd
Salina, KS 67402

This is the zone leader's address. (So it will change from time to time) But it is the only reliable address that is currently safe to send mail to that she can get fairly quickly. They are being especially mindful of Sarah right now and will get her mail. She very much appreciates knowing that we all are thinking of her. Again this is a very difficult time for her right now. 

She also sent me a whole batch of pictures from the last few weeks, but I am going to wait a few days before posting those again out of respect. Thanks!  

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