
Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 6

So this week has been an eventful one for sure! 

Basically our entire week has been getting Alexia ready for baptism, we have had a few really great lessons with her. By the time the baptism day was here, Sister Runia was beside herself! This has been something that she has worked for since October! She was so giddy with excitement and nerves that she did not stop talking once that entire day :) The baptism was the most spiritual one that I remember going to! First of all, it was PACKED! Alexia cried so much, she said, "I can't stop crying but I'm not sad!" SUCCESS. That day I cried like 3 times arrrrrrg! I hate crying! 

We also went to visit a less-active in the hospital but I doubt she'll even remember that, as we were leaving we saw the prettiest sunset! Kansas is full of these! We went to a member's house to teach, and they had puppies! Oh my goodness, I was in heaven! The next day we volunteered at the food bank and let's just say that I am a professional box holder. Yep. The elder's stacked like 5 boxes and I couldn't move. :/

That night was Alexia's baptism interview so we played a good game of chair soccer, and let me tell you that is quite the challenge when you are in a skirt! 

Because I am rambling now, I will tell a spiritual story to make up for it. So Friday came along and we had district meeting. At the end of it, Elder Allen asked if anyone wanted a priesthood blessing. I had not planned on getting one, but the Spirit told me to get one. Oh my goodness, it was one of the best blessings that I have ever received! It was a direct answer to several of my prayers! I started crying. 
A prank war has erupted in the Zone. We got a call one evening from a creepy guy that told us that we gave him a pass-along card. We started freaking out when he told us where we live, and what sort of care we was the elders!! Last night, we pranked some other elders by telling them that Sister Runia was getting transferred tomorrow! The totally believed it! We are now always looking over our shoulder's constantly! 

This week, I learned that I need to be patient with myself. I am excited because we are going on exchanges tonight and then zone conference is this week too, so lots of things will be going on! I wish that I could tell every story that I have but there is work to be done! I love you all and I love the Lord and this great work! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Loves and a hug from Kansas, 
Sister Parry


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