
Monday, January 6, 2014

Week 5

Hi hi! 
I can't believe that it has been a month already, 17 months seems so small! This is a week full of fun and craziness! Has anyone heard of the temperatures over here?! Because I don't know about the weather until it happens! hahaha it's mighty chilly out here but we are bundling up! This upcoming week is supposed to be in the negatives, so I have fallen in love with my heated blanket! 
Sister Runia and I have been keeping our self's busy with getting Alexia ready for baptism. Satan is really going at her, but she is powering through! It amazes me how much people are willing to give up for the truth of the gospel, she has a great future ahead of her! 
We have been hit with cold season over here! Sister Runia made me take a nap and I felt like a stubborn 2 year old because the last thing that I wanted to do was nap! There is nothing more frustrating for this missionary who has committed herself to work, and then being too sick to work! 
The best day this week was Saturday. We were driving around when our less-active texted us asking for scriptures to use for a funeral. Haha don't tell Mormon missionaries that most of your family isn't LDS because we spent the better part of an hour finding the perfect scriptures that would ensure many baptisms to follow! Sister Runia is teaching me how be the best stalker! Apparently, when you knock on a door for the 1st time, look in the windows and look for movement, if you see movement, smile and wave so they are more likely to open the door! I sure am learning lots! 
We then stumbled upon a less-active family that no one has been able to find. They are a really nice couple in their 50's and the wife is legit German. They have a tiny dog that was jumping all over my companion, so my job was to take care of that! They also have over 250 statues of Santa that won't come down until Febuary! They want to feed us a real German meal soon so I have mixed emotions! I'm excited for the food, but terrified of the decorations! hahaha
After we left, we ran over to the store with just a few minutes until a baptism. Someone came and paid for us! Apparently, he is in the ward! I just love people! At the baptism, we got to see the mission president and his wife, I seriously love them! They are the best! Alexia got to be there to see the baptism and started to cry! I love the Spirit! 
I feel so looked after, last night, I was sort of discouraged because of the amount of things that I need to memorize and pass off and feel like I don't know what I am doing yet. I was upset, so I took a hot shower to pout for a while. This morning, we woke up and our pipes were frozen! The only water that came out was brown! So I thought that I was pouting, and Heavenly Father was really making sure that I got a shower in! I thought it was hilarious! The pipes will defrost, and I will learn the lessons soon enough! I learn that although I don't know how to be a perfect missionary, the spirit does! I also came to realize, that as I watch people take the sacrament for the 1st time in years, I need it just as much as they do. I am loving the work! This Saturday is Alexia's baptism so it will be a crazy week for sure! Remember that God answers prayers! 
Loves and a hug from Kansas,
Sister Parry

so....I am super duper bad at taking pictures!! Whoops! I will try harder I promise! 

This is the unidentifiable meat that we stuffed down Sister Runia's boots!  

this one is Elder Olsen, Elder Allen(district leader) Sister Runia(companion) and I on Christmas Day

My district leader Elder Allen got a hold of a bunch of eggs so we told him that I wanted five, just five. So this is how he delivered them to me.

Loving my eggs!

meeting my trainer sister Runia! And taking the last Ash tray on the first night!

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