
Monday, January 6, 2014

25 Random Facts

Random facts about my experience in the Kansas Wichita mission so far: 

1. In Kansas, bottled water is the only way to go. No one trusts the water here! 
2. Frost-covered wheat is gorgeous! 
3. I live in a cute, tiny, cold cottage
4. P-day=chair soccer
5. Christmas=more candy than physically possible to consume!
6. We sleep with a chair under the doorknob!
7. "mini temple square" and "blow-up house"
8. There is a member who cuts our hair for free! 
9. The barber shop, Subway, the post office and my companion all love country music as much as I do
10. It snowed 13 inches my first week here 
11. President and Sister Bell spoil missionaries to death!
12. I still hate role playing in the field just as much as I did in the MTC
13. The member here are so inspiring and have the most amazing stories
14.There is a Mexican restaurant that has gotten us almost 5 investigators! 
15. Kansas doesn't believe in snow plows
16. My companion is from Draper, Utah and graduated from Alta 2 years before I did
17. Our car is named Miles and has yet to get us stuck in snow
18. Missionary work is hard here because most people already have a religion.
19. There is a lot to memorize in the first 12 weeks
20. Kansas is really windy from all different directions
21. We had spring rolls which turned out to be hot dogs and unidentified meat which we stuffed down my companion's boots! 
22. Braum's milk is beyond amazing!
23. My ward has both the district leader and zone leaders and I see the zone leaders daily.
24. I have acquired 11 bottles of hand far. 
25. There was a drug bust/arrest right outside my house on New Years Eve

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