
Monday, January 27, 2014

Week 8

K so just as I was done posting this week I got this from Sarah:

This week was.....different for sure!

It started off great Sister Runia was no longer sick and we are going strong! We got three new investigators who are all great! One of them is very strong in the light of Christ. She is similar to a "medium" I guess. We went over twice to answer some of her questions and she has been so prepared! The second time that we were over, the Spirit was very strong and she accepted our invitation to be baptized!! I am so excited to get her ready for baptism! 

I received some very hard news this week and that definitely left me in a rough spot. Although, I am feeling very down, I have never felt so blessed and supported before in my life. The Lord definetely does not with hold blessings if we let him. I have been so blessed to be studying the Plan of Salvation more in depth which has helped me tremendously! This week to come will have lots in store I can just feel it! 
I  have learned more about the Spirit this week. It is amazing to see how the Holy Ghost works with Sister Runia and I as we teach together. My investigator on date for baptism made a very good point this week. Heavenly Father will create many paths for others as he guides you on your path to righteousness. 

Please find someone to serve this upcoming week. Take every chance that you can get to lift someone up even if it is small. Little things make a big impact. I love you all, the mission field is great, it really is. I am learning and growing so much. I hope that I can make half the impact on others that they have on me. Sorry that this week's email is not very long but remember that God always answers prayers! 

Loves and a hug from Kansas
Sister Parry

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