
Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 69: Babies

What's crack-a-lakin??

So, it was transfer week! Sister Hartung was "transfered" to Oregon :( So now, Sister Forsgren is taking over Salina with me! She also used to serve here so it's going to be a party! I'm loving the fact that I know my companions before we become companions now, that's a definite plus. 

Before Sister Hartung left, we had one of the best dinner appointments of my whole mission. This family lives out in the country and they have a farm! I'm totally about that life! As we pull up, the member looks over to see a goat IN LABOR. I'm not even kidding right now. I WATCHED A GOAT GIVING BIRTH. Then, the member wraps one of the newborn goats in a towel and hands it to me! After that, the kids gave us a tour of the whole farm and held so many baby animals. The kids in the family blew me away! They are so young but their testimonies are so strong! I have never seen some one so excited to give out pass-along cards before! :) 

Another great moment was when I went on exchanges in Junction City. First of all, the ward put on a Jewish Sadar(a passover meal) I learned a few things:1.The Jewish culture is facinating and 2. Never wear a pencil skirt to a Sadar. Also when we were there, I got to visit someone that I taught way back almost a year ago that moved to Junction! We had a great time catching up and as we were leaving, out of no where, her 16 year-old son gives me a hug....It was so awkward and I didn't know what to do! haha awkward moments for days! 

I cannot remember the last time that I recieved so much revelation in just a 48 hour period! Genereal Conference is the BEST THING EVER. I was spiritually rebuked, taught, and inspiried so much! I have always loved Conference weekend, but this time around, I felt like I recieved all the answers that I have been looking for over the past month or so. 

The day before, no one could get a hold of Noelle and we got super nervous that she would not be able to come. In the middle of conference, a recent convert walks in with her! I don't know how she did it, but she did and I am grateful! We talked to her afterwards, and she loved it! She said that she felt the speakers were talking just to her. It was such a testimony builder for both of us that these men truly are the prophet and apostles of God. 

I recieved one of the best compliments this week. Someone told me that they could tell how much I absolutely love my mission. I really do! I wish that I could acuretely express how much I have changed, grown, and gotten to know my Savior Jesus Christ. The Gospel is the way of life and the Atonement is my life-line. This is a once in a lifetime expirience that is preparing me for all the changing and growing that I will always continue to do. I love all of you so much! God speed and remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry

Favorite convo of the week: 
Noelle: "The 18th is going to come quick!"
Me: "Time flies when your having fun Noelle!"

I watched this baby goat being BORN.

Jewish Sadar

Beautiful Sister Herrin #exchanges

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