
Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 71: SURPRISE!!!


She was in the hospital for a week and we had no contact with her. We assumed that we would have to re-schedual her baptism date but she came out wanting nothing else other than to be baptized! She told us "I want to pay my bills, and I want to buy groceries, but I don't want anything more than I want to be baptized." She said that her motivation to be baptized was the only thing that got her through it all.The baptism alone kept us super busy this week! 

Other than that we went on exchanges twice this week and I was in Salina the whole time..somehow things managed to get done. haha. 
Summer had a come-to-Jesus moment!! It was so intense! She has gone through thick and thin in the last few weeks and is trying to learn how to turn toward God. We decided to drive over to the church and she cried and prayed-really prayed for the 1st time in a very, very long time! AND she finally read from the Book of Mormon!!!!!!!!!!! MIRACLE! 

Remember the solid couple from last week! They are even more solid! She wants to be baptized so bad. We had a lesson with them this week about getting married. haha how awkward would it to have 2 single 20-year olds tell you how great it is to be married?? But, the good news is that they agreed to pray about it! 

This week let me grow a lot spiritually. I was talking to Sister Forsgren about it and we noticed that we are stronger spiritually-even in just the last week. I am forever grateful for all the miracles, struggles, and people that the Lord has blessed me to be a part of! I say this all the time but I love my mission so much and nothing could ever replace it! 
I love you all! Remember that God answers prayers!!

Sister Parry

The World's largest Czech egg...Stay tuned while it gets completed 

Big things are happening in Kansas!

I don't know how many are competing for the Czech capital but this is a big deal

start of nightly planning....

End of nightly planning....

Noelle got baptized!!!


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