
Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 70:

Hello hello! 

Okay, this week was busy but nothing too interesting to write about. One of my favorite feelings is being what I call "missionary tired" It is when your body is so exhausted but your spirit is super pumped up and ready to go and that is how I feel right now. :) 

-We had meetings and trainings almost every day this week it was delightful.
- I do have compliment my mission president. He is the only mission president that I have heard of that will wear matching American flag print socks along with the APs to the mission leadership council! 
-Somehow we managed to get both sets of zone leaders to wear purple to it #united. 
-Drove home from MLCs and one of our investigators was struggling pretty hard. After a chain of events,(that would take at least 5 days to explain) we went home and passed out. 

Miracle!! We met a lost sheep at the grocery store and is now teaching her sister and fiance! They are SO SOLID. She(the non-member) brought her whole less-active family to stake conference to hear Elder Sutati of the 70! It was so great! 

AHHH I spent too long trying to figure out how to explain my life. Just know that things are always crazy but it's always a party! 

Quote of the week: 
The cutest old man in the ward that loves missionary work "I taught Jesse the plan of salvation and set him on date for May 9th at 7:00 PM" 

Sorry that it's so short this week! Love you remember that God answers prayers!! 

Sister Parry

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