
Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 52: Grateful


I have come to find that Thanksgiving is one of the best and the worst holidays as a missionary! It's the best because people's hearts are softened as they think about what they are grateful for, and there is tons of delicious food. It's also the worst because no one is home, and you always eat way too much. #stretchyskirts

We were lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving with one of the most missionary-minded members that I have ever met. There was TONS of food....TONS. Before we even left the apartment, I challenged Sister Bringhust to see which one of us could gain the most weight by the end of the day, we were too scared to weigh in! :) The best moment of the whole day was probably when Sister Dameron opened the HUGE pot of stuffing and sang "HALLALUJAH!" as stuffing came pouring out! The house turned into a rampage as everyone grabbed something to put stuffing in until Sister Dameron poked it and it all deflated. Maybe you had to be there, but it was hilarious. 

Naturally, there is a controversy about when it is appropriate to celebrate CHRISTmas. Sister Bringhurst and I have been celebrating it full force for a month and a half now but now there is no shame! It is after Thanksgiving now and it's only going to get better! One of our plans is to text a Christ-centered scripture to everyone that we are working with up until CHRISTmas. We are also super excited to do a secret twelve days of CHRISTmas for 2 families that we are working with. The whole thing if focused on remembering Christ and how we can follow his example in our own lives. 

Speaking of Christ, have any of you seen the new video that the church just launched? It's called "He is the Gift" and you ALL need to go watch it and show it to everyone that you know! Here is the link:

So this week, I have been doing a study focused on charity and I realize that I need more of it big time! So, I'm coming to all of you for advice. What are stories, scriptures, and examples of Charity?

This is the best time of the year! First, we all focus of Gratitude, then Christ/giving, next we all get a fresh start, and finally we finish it all off with love! I love you all, I hope that you had a fantastic week!

Remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry

The sky is on fire!

 CHRISTmas is here!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is how it has been since Halloween! 

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