
Monday, December 22, 2014

Week 54: Surprise!

Happy Monday everyone!! 

I can't hold in the news any longer.......GONZALO JUST GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!! I know. I'm just as surprised as you are..still. So here's what happened: Gonzalo was going to have to wait until March to be baptized, I was so bummed that I was going to have to miss it but excited that he was willing to wait and endure to the end. Last week, the assistant to the ward mission leader suggested that we talk to President Bell again about him getting baptized because EVERYONE realized how sincere he is and how much he wants this! (He has even been going out with the elders!) President Bell agreed to come interview him! He interviewed him on Friday night and he was baptized on Sunday. 

It was one of the top 3 spiritual baptisms that I have ever been to. He has truly turned his life completely around and worked so hard for this. He came up out of the water grinning ear to ear. We all bawled as the talks were about this family preparing to be an eternal family. Sister Bringhurst and I have been talking about it and we realize that we really haven't done much AT ALL. Looking back, we realize that the Spirit took complete control, we just loved them and did what the Spirit told us to. It is amazing to realize that despite our imperfections and shortcomings, the Holy Ghost can work miracles. 
Saturday was so much fun! We went to a training/Christmas party for missionaries. We were all just minding our own business when President Bell announced that we were going to look at everyone's BABY PICTURES?!?! I thought that he was kidding, then I realized that he was serious. I thought that this only happens in nightmares!!! LOL Then we had an ugly sweater contest, I brought a beauty that I found in our apartment closet....that work of art won me a gift card! :) 

Last night after the baptism was so cool! The zone leaders challenged us as a whole zone to find 10 new investigators by the end of the evening. This wouldn't have been too much of a big deal but they just raised the standards on new investigators this week. All of our appointments fell through and we were a little bit at a loss. We decided that Christmas is in full bloom here and we went caroling! The 1st door that we caroled to was interested but the Mom mostly speaks Spanish, so we will let the other missionaries take over that one! Then we tried once more and again the parents only speak Spanish. The 3rd time a super cute family let us in and everyone spoke English........except for the Dad, another family for the other missionaries! The 4th door that we tried spoke perfect English and wants us to come back this week!!! 

Do you want to hear the song that Sister Bringhurst and I are working on? So far, it goes like this:
"No one speaks English in Dodge!

Only the children speak English in Dodge! 
We don't know Dodge!"
It's a work in progress! 

More miracles of the week include:

-A little Ceasars is opening in Dodge tomorrow!!
-I taught Sister Bringhurst how to plunge her 1st toilet
-Sister Bringhurst got her driving privileges this week so now I get to rock it in the passenger seat

I hope that you are all seeing miracles too! I love you and and miss you! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry
Sister Bringhurst gets to drive now!!!! This is just as exciting for me as it is for her! 

Ugly sweater contest! This work of art won a gift card to Subway!

And then Gonzalo got baptized?! #christmasmiracle

Surprise!! Gonzalo got baptized!!! 

Small acts of service make me so happy

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