
Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 48: Do you believe in miracles?

Whoa. I can't believe that another week has already flown by! 
It probably went by so fast because we were having a party every day! Sharing the Gospel is the funnest thing that I've ever done. 

I was definitely spoiled rotten on my birthday! Mom will be so disappointed when I don't get humbled on my mission! haha We were having dinner at a member's house and they pulled out a cake! I was like "What?! Why did you do that??" then they pulled out the candles and even a present! Sister Bringhurst surprised me by making me a sign for the apartment and everywhere we went, someone gave us cake. So spoiled.

Did any of you dress up for Halloween? Because we totally did. All week long, I themed my outfits after Disney characters and at the ward trunk or treat, we came dressed up as The Book of Mormon and The Bible. We also decorated our trunk and handed out pass-along cards with candy taped to them, the ward loved it! Shout out to Sisters Savage, Runia, and Hymas for the ideas! 

On Halloween, President and Sister Bell came through Dodge and we had a photo shoot with them at the Dodge City sign for their Christmas card. They adore Dodge as much as I do. Later on we needed to be off the streets and everyone was trick-or-treating so we spent the evening decorating for Christmas! The apartment is so magical, and it is the best thing to wake up to. Every day feels like Christmas. 
Earlier in the day, we were decorating the Lira's door with post-it notes when Sister Bringhurst says, "Their driving up.....RUN!!!!" So, we booked it around the corner. Then we hear Gonzolo yell "Happy Halloween sisters!!" Yep, they totally saw us. Oh well. 

The ward is LOVING the Lira family! Every time that we bring someone new to meet them they always compliment about how sincere they are. Jasmine told us this week how excited she is to be baptized and that she wants to go to seminary!! They also fed us dinner last night! How did I get so lucky?? I am serving the Lord in the best place on Earth:Dodge City Kansas, and teaching one of the best families that I have ever met. Every day, I thank Heavenly Father for this wonderful opportunity to learn, grow, stretch, go out of my comfort zone, appreciate the Gospel, make lasting friendships, and learn to truly rely and trust him. 

A small miracle happened yesterday. We went to the park to go talk to people. As we were leaving we smiled and waved to a lady but didn't talk to her. When we were almost to the car, Sister Bringhurst turns to me, and says, "I think that we need to go back and talk to that lady." I say back, "I know, I feel the same way" We go back and Sister Bringhurst says to her, "haha Hi again, we really feel like we need to come talk to you!" We explain who we were and we have an appointment with her on Wednesday! I love the promptings of the Holy Ghost and a companion who is braver than me to follow those promptings!

One of my favorite moments happened yesterday morning. I was just about to shower when Sister Bringhurst noticed that it was only 5:30!! SCORE!! Another hour of sleep. Totally a miracle because I'm a little sick and haven't gotten much sleep at all this week. The only sad part about Daylight Savings is that it gets dark at 6:00, and no one wants to answer their door after it's dark! 
Oh well, The Lord will provide. 

I hope that you all have a fantastic week! I miss you and I love you all! Remember that God answers prayers! 
Sister Parry

Halloween week day 1: Cinderella

Halloween week day 3: The Bible!! 

Happy trunk-or-treat!

The beloved Lira family!

Halloween week day 2: Snow White


It's the party life in Dodge City. 

Precious moments! 

Happy Halloween Dodge City! 

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