
Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 49: Hello!


I can't decide if this week feels like a year long or just a few hours? Is anyone else having a time-warp issue?

This morning I was trying to make a handy-dandy list of things to talk to you all about and Sister Bringhurst and I hardly came up with anything! Sorry about that. I know that we had a great week, I just barely remember much that's my life and It all seems so normal to me but not to anyone else! :) 

The wonderful Lira's are doing splendid! We taught them about keeping the Sabbath day holy and they already decided that week that they are not going to use their cell phones all day on Sundays and proceeded to give us their house phone number?! We were starting to get worried when they were not reading in the Book of Mormon every day, and when we talked about it again with them, they took it so seriously! Now, they are 9 chapters in, and when Jasmine went to Wichita for the weekend, her parents had her write down the chapters that she needs to read to keep up because they want to finish the Book of Mormon before Gonzolo is baptized. 

I wish that I could describe to you in writing how awesome they are! I feel so incredibly blessed to have met some of my best friends! I have learned so much about myself, the Gospel, and missionary work from this family. I don't think that they will ever truly know that they literally changed my whole mission. This is what the Gospel does, it brings families together! I get to watch a family change their lives around, come closer to God, to each other, and prepare to become an eternal family, how did I get so lucky?!?! Every night, I thank my Heavenly Father for letting me get to know them, and how much they have done for me. 

This week, we were able to receive so much revelation!! First, it was at Zone Conference. They had us all get down on our knees and choose one thing that is holding us back from giving our "all' to the Lord and give it up. It was so powerful. 

We listened to a talk again, and the Spirit hit me so strong. It is "Feed My Sheep" from Elder Holland. At the end, he talks about when the Lord found the apostles fishing again after the Savior had left. I realized then, that a mission is truly meant to change you. This is a calling for life, not just 18 months. When the Lord asked Peter, "Do you love me?" he really was asking him if he really was going to follow him and do everything that he asked him to with all diligence. 

I just have to say, that the dinner appointments that we have here in Dodge are stellar! Just this week, we were in a house with at least 18 cats and music from "Cats" the musical was in the background just to make the effect perfect. Sister Bringhurst loathes cats with a passion so it is even better. The next day, we ate at the bishop's house when him and his wife pulled out their accordions, played them for us, and told us how they fell in love through the accordion. All I know is that I am definitely in Kansas!! 

I love and miss you all! Keep going strong! Remember that God answers prayers!
Sister Parry

My comp is so talented

So, maybe I have a special place in my heart for sunsets

Kansas sunsets


Our sunset spot

Have I mentioned that I love Kansas??

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