
Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 50:

Happy Monday everyone!

We had another whirlwind weeks so hold on tight while I tell you about it! 
First things first: we were able to meet Elder Schwitzer of the 70! He is so down-to Earth, and took the time to shake hands and talk to each one of us. We had a meeting with him that lasted for 5-6 hours but I swear, it only felt like 1 hour! When all was said and done, I walked away feeling like the Spirit was telling me to truly LOVE the Gospel, the Book of Mormon, investigators, my companion and the Savior ALWAYS. 

So my dear Lira Family is now MARRIED!!!!!!! It's actually a pretty funny story how that happened. We were an hour and a half away from Dodge City in the meeting with Elder Schwitzer and we booked it home so we could make it to the wedding on time. We ran up to the courthouse to find that they locked the doors 7 minutes before we got there!!! Sad. It was even more sad to find out that they tried to wait for us.
Precious moments with them:
 We went over the baptism interview questions with Jasmine, and the very last question asks if you feel ready to make the commitment? Jasmine then fist pumps the air and yells, "YES I AM!!" I love the enthusiasm. 
We sit down for a lesson and Erik who is 4 walks up to us and gives us his school pictures :') it is now decorating my scriptures. 
Their Christmas tree is decorated with the pass-along cards that we first gave them.

So, I just realized that I only have like 2 more minutes to email so everything else is going to be short but here we go!

So, maybe my companion got all 4 Dodge Sisters sick this week! haha we had to make an extra run to the store just to buy all of the sick people stuff. Oh man, being sick on a mission STINKS!!! 

IT SNOWED!!! It is a whooping 7 degrees right now. Love it. 

Favorite quote of the week:
To his kids: "Will you all just please run away?" 

Love you all!! Remember that God answers prayers!! 

I love the winter!

Then it snowed again

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