
Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 44: Never have anyone tell you how meat is processed


So, Conference?! Did anyone else receive crazy revelation? If you missed it, I would definitely go back and watch it! 

I learned so much about having pure charity from Elder Holland and President Uchtdorf just hit it home for me. I have been waiting to hear those things for a while now! 

This week was so full of awesome things. Monday evening, we headed over to see an investigator, and we met some of their neighbors playing football. (I may have tried to jump in a few times) :) As we talked to them, they told us that they are "searching for the truth" They have been so prepared! They just want to know what God wants them to do! They even all came to Conference! and I got to play Operation: entertain the kids so the parents can listen! So, I didn't hear all of conference. 

Have any of you heard of the new movie "Meet the Mormons" President Bell had all of the missionaries watch it and..woah. I may or may not have teared up..Go watch it, go have all of your friends watch it as well. It's not an "in-your-face" kind of thing, it just super good! 

So, I don't know what is up, but I keep loosing everything!! First, Sister Bringhurst lost her glasses, then I lost my planner, and then I lost my laundry money! What is going on! I discovered how lost I am without my planner. Seriously, It's almost as bad as when I lost my scriptures! I keep telling Heavenly Father than I know that things are just things, and I can live without it, but I would REALLY LOVE to have it back! :)     

So, good news and bad news. Good news: Cindy!! She has realized that she needs the Gospel in her life again, and knows that she can't leave it behind! Oh my goodness, I was on cloud 9 when she was telling us this! I am so happy for her. The bad news is that she is moving to California in 2 days. I'm going to miss that family! I gave her granddaughter a mini Book of Mormon and a picture of Jesus. She wants to be baptized when she turns 8 so bad! She is so in tune with the Spirit it blows my mind! This week, she told us that "God misses us" Look at her, she already has a grasp of the Pre-Earth life!! 

Favorite quotes of the week:

(while playing football, I had just thrown the ball, Junior looks so proud and says:) "I taught her everything that she knows!" 

Sylvia: Sister Parry, your hair usually looks so cute, today, it's just thrown up!
Sister Bringhurst: "I thought you looked okay...."

(when we saw the prettiest sunset)

I love you all, I miss you, remember that God answers prayers! 
Sister Parry

Sister Bringhurst: "Do you want your face in the picture, well I'm going to get your face in the picture!"

Dodge City 

Me, Andrea(with her new Book of Mormon) Cindy, and Sylvia

So pretty. 

I have never met anyone like her. She is so in tune with the Spirit and cannot wait to be baptized when she turns 8!

I am never leaving Kansas 

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