
Monday, October 27, 2014

Week 46: I can't come up with a catchy title this week :)‏

Hola! Como Estas?
As you can see, my Spanish is coming along quite nicely ;) 
This week....Felt like a year long and only one day at the same time! Transfer week always does this to me and neither one of us was even transferred!! Just said goodbye to Sister Runia...may have had a cry fest over ice cream! No big deal. 

Okay, the Lira family, I love them more and more every day! I'm pretty positive that we were all Pre-Earth life buddies. They definitely want to be baptized and are now planning on getting married! When we were talking to them about the law of chastidy, they told us that they have been waiting years to get married but they were trying to find the right church to get married in. Precious. 
When they didn't come to church yesterday, we got a bit worried. We wen't over to check on them and every single one of them was sick.......again! That must be Satan's plan for them, just get them sick every Sunday for the rest of their lives! I may have to invest in some Vitamin C for them.

Speaking of illness, Sister Bringhurst got sick....again! Poor sister! I feel so bad when people get sick. Whenever you get sick on your mission, it feel 1000 times worse because you are already physically/emotionally/spiritually exhausted to begin with! Not to mention, she has only been out for 8 weeks! 

So......I may or may not have gotten pulled over for the very 1st(and only) time.........possibly. Naturally, the elders just HAD to drive by right as it happened! So dumb. Fortunately, the cop was super nice and only gave me a warning! I put it in my scriptures to remember to ALWAYS obey and honor the law...

I am the only missionary that has gone 10 1/2 months without being asked to speak in sacrament meeting...until this week! I had like zero time to prepare so I pulled out my scriptures, found an investigator in the congregation to look at, and pretended like it was just a normal lesson. Then, we were asked to teach the 12 year olds! Luckily, the lesson was about inviting others to become more like the Savior. Perfect. It's already mission-related. Practiced with some role-plays and committed all of them to invite a friend to the next ward party. :) 

I have learned more about and love the priesthood in the last few months than ever before. I always hate asking for a blessing, but I am always so glad that I do! It blows my mind how specific answers to my prayers are always answered! I have a new-found respect for worthy priesthood holders as well. It is such a blessing to know that we always can ask for one. 

I just got news this week that Cody Hadden was baptized!!! Back in Emporia!!!!! WHATTTTTTTTTT

Ate Russian food this week....yum? No wonder why I serve in the states! 
Why are there random cats in local businesses? I don't understand. 
Favorite quote of the week: (from a father of 10) "It's so much easier to make Mormons than it is to baptize them!" True?

I love and miss you all! Kansas is the best place on Earth! Remember that God answers prayers! 
Sister Parry


Team up's are fun

Always in the country

District brunch to say goodbye! :'(

Goodbyes to Sister Runia....may have cried.

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