
Monday, October 13, 2014

Week 45: "Are you an RM?"

Woah, another week went by again?! Being on a mission is like one big time warp! 

So, both Sister Bringhurst and I survived transfers, so we get another 6 weeks together YAYYYYY I've only had one other companion that I got to spend 2 transfers with so I am pretty pumped! This transfer is going to be full of adventures, I can just tell. :) We are going to pick up the pace on EVERYTHING! 
So many adventures this week! So, something cool that happened this week:

We were planning on meeting with a less-active that has just made the temple her new goal so on Tuesday morning, I studied up about the temple for her. When we actually met with her, we didn't even talk about temples, she was questioning her testimony. I listened to her with no idea what to say to encourage her, I felt prompted to ask her some of the baptismal questions and she answered them with flying colors! It was cool to see her realize that she truly does know that this is true. :)
Right after that, a recent convert texted us and wanted to meet up. I really don't know her too well, so she told us her amazing conversion story, and pretty quickly brought up some concerns. It got a little intense at times and then I really had no idea what to say at all, but then I realized that everything that she brought up was exactly what I had studied that morning for (seemingly) someone else! The Holy Ghost is so cool! 

Speaking of the Holy Ghost, we went to go settle an investigator's concerns, and when she opened the door, she looked mad and yelled at us, I just kept the straightest face that I could, tried to smile and said to her:

"We just wanted to come say that we love you and see how you are doing." 
You could practically see the Spirit fill her up. Her face immediately softened, and she told us to come in.

So, I did something new this week! We taught the Plan of Salvation and got a haircut at the same time :) We sat down with Mary and she said that the only time that she could cut my hair was then so we did it right then! Once when she started, she said:

 "Well, aren't we going to talk?!" 
She loves the Plan of Salvation by the way! 

So, sad moment, we had just set up an appointment with someone and while we were walking down the stairs, Sister Bringhurst did something to her ankle....long live my curse! No ER this time folks, but at my rate, it won't be too long....

So, the Lira Family is doing great! We saw them with a member and afterwards she said,

"Well, they are just as great as you said they were"
 "I know right?!" 

I just love them so much. I haven't met very many people that are as sincere as they are. They love church, they just want to know what is true! I can't wait to see this family grow even closer through the Gospel. :) 

Sorry that this email is a little over the place, you just kind of get my thoughts as they explode out! I love and miss you all, Kansas is the best place on Earth and sacred ground to me. Remember that God answers prayers! 
Sister Parry

Favorite conversations of the week: 

(Elder from out of country): "Sister Parry, are you an RM?"
Me: "WHAT?! NO!!"
Elder: "You're not a registered nurse?"
Me: "I'm not that either!" 

Mission President's wife: "Sister Parry, how is your Spanish coming along?"
Me: "Uhhhhhhhhh.............Mi Espanol es MOI POQUITO!"
Just thought that I was called to an English speaking mission but PSYCH!

Tears may or may not have been shed when I finally bowled a strike....

P day bowling! I stink at bowling...

Not sure how I feel about being out for 10 months...

Haircut! (I hate taking selfies)

Fall isn't all too pretty here...

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