
Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 42: The Greatest Miracle of All

Hi from the great state of Kansas!
Hope that all is going great with all of you!
You know, every Monday, I sit down to email with my handy dandy post-it note full of adventures that I had all week long to tell you about; and every week when I sit down, I stare at my post-it note and get writer's block! That's usually why my letters are only a few paragraphs long because I can't figure out quite how to make it sound just as exciting as it really was in writing!
So, here I sit, trying to figure out the perfect combination of clever/funny/spiritual. Sorry.  Anywho...
My week:
Started off with sister's conference! Few things compare to 1/2 the sister missionaries in the mission all together! We serve with the STLs so we got to help out a bit so it was fun to watch everything come to life. My favorite part was they had us all trace our outlines on a big piece of paper and hang them all up. Each of us wrote down everything that has been holding us back from giving our all to the Lord. Then, we tore it all up. We tore down our natural man.
Poor Sister Bringhurst has been sick all week long. Saturday, we decided that she needed to sleep in. I was trying to find every productive thing to do around the apartment when I felt like I should watch The District. I ignored it because I knew that we would be watching it for her training in a few weeks. Again, the Spirit told me that I needed to watch it. So I watched all 3 hours of it and boy, did I need it! I definitely got rebuked by the Spirit about what I need to be doing! I realized that I have been so preoccupied with teaching the doctrine points, that I forgot that I am inviting a child of God to take steps closer to Jesus Christ.
I got a blessing earlier this week, it was awesome because so many of my prayers were answered through it but it was so weird to hear my 1st name being used!! He said my name in the blessing at least like 7 times and I flinched every time that I heard it! Don't know why, it just weirds me out to hear anything besides "Sister Parry"
This week, a sister missionary serving from the Dodge City ward had to come back home for health issues. That was so sad. She was not released for a few days, so she practically lived with all of us sisters all week long. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about appreciating the time that we have out here.
So, I saved the best news for last! A few weeks ago, an awesome investigator dropped us and it was heartbreaking. Last Monday night, Sister Bringhurst and I went over to check up on her and see if she would answer the door. She did! She told us about a few concerns that she has and we all cried as she told us that she still wants to learn more! We had an appointment with her and she is so solid again! Seriously, no one calls us to confirm an appointment! We were heartbroken when she didn't come to church but we found out why later on. Turns out that on Saturday night, she had some crazy diabetic problems so she couldn't come to church. She said that she knows that it was the devil preventing her from going to church.
So, to make up for it, she spent all day long watching the BYU channel! She told us that so many of her questions were answered yesterday. I was speechless as she looked at us square in the eyes and told us that she knows that this is true. She knows that this is where God is leading her! She was giddy as she accepted to be baptized in October! It is amazing to consider how far she has come. She was raised in a home and in a church that hates Mormons and now she cannot wait to become a part of it! God really is so nice! Oh, and she told us that she wants an elder to baptize her because she "spent so many years slamming my door, and turning them down." Wow.
It's cool to watch miracles happen, it's awesome to be play a role in God's miracles, but I realized that the biggest miracle of all, is what God is doing with me. Every day, he smooths out the rough edges and molds me into my potential. Kansas is sacred ground to me. Every day, I try to keep up with the blessings that God is giving me! I love you all, I miss you, and remember that God answers prayers!
Sister Sarah Lucy

The very middle of The United States

Kansas, land of the roadkill and sunsets

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