
Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 40: He Really does Answer Prayers


This week was a whirlwind, it seems like Monday was forever ago and so much has happened in between. Transfer week.....Sister Fairbourn and Sister Huff left us along with Kassandra, who left on her mission, so emotional! Monday night, almost all of us were bawling! Goodbye's were hard but we did it. 

On Wednesday, 3 of us were driving to Wichita early for a trainer's meeting when we passed by a sunflower field. Now you would ASSUME that we would just say, "oh how pretty!" and take a picture while driving by. But that is not what happened. I have been DYING to see sunflowers ever since I found out that I was going to Kansas over a year ago. This is the only time that I will ever be serving in Kansas when there will be sunflowers. So, when we drove past this sunflower field, we got a little excited. 

By excited, I mean that ALL CHAOS broke loose! I wish that I was exaggerating but all 3 of us started screaming and I was in tears. We pulled over to the side of the road and ran down a hill to get to our beloved sunflowers. I got so excited that I totally fell, pretty much a face full of dirt, but I didn't even care because I was in the presence of a sunflower field! Long story short, we frolicked in the field before hitting the road again. It was all soooooo worth it to walk into our meeting late and covered with mud. 

I then got to meet my daughter Sister Bringhurst!!!!!! She is fresh from the MTC serving from Pocatello, Idaho. I feel like I am not training her, she is training me! She is so ready to preach the gospel and is so beyond where I was at when I first got into the field. Training is going great, it's just as hard as I thought it would be, but this is way more for me than it is for her. I am learning so much. 
The middle of the week was pretty tough, really fun, but all of our appointments fell through. I felt so bad, because I want Sister Bringhurst to see all that Dodge is capable of. By the weekend, we were scraping to hit our mission standard-ugh. We were having dinner with the STLs on Sunday and when the found out they were nice enough to go on splits with us. We had an hour and a half to find 3 new investigators and get 1 member present. In 40 minutes, Sister Judy and I found a family, and the other sisters found a girl at the park! I was in awe, God truly does answer prayers. All we needed was one more member present lesson, but the appointment fell through. While we were at the member's house there was an AMAZING 17-year old girl who God has prepared to have the gospel. We had a great talk with her and she really wants to change her life. We were on cloud 9. God is so nice to us. Here we are, imperfect servants but willing to work. God was kind enough to allow us to see a miracle. 
I learned a few big lessons this week. First, is the importance of faith, once when we allow our faith to dwindle, God does not have much to work with. 2nd is that GOD REALLY DOES ANSWER PRAYERS. Truly! I was in the middle of stressing about the week and while we were praying, I couldn't get a quote by Gordon B. Hinkly out of my head:

"The best antidote I know for WORRY is WORK. The best medicine for DESPAIR is service. The best cure for WEARINESS is the challenge of HELPING someone who is even more tired." 
I never get tired of watching God do his work. I am so grateful for the hard moments, because that is where we grow the most. I love you all, I miss you, but remember that 

God truly does answer prayers!

The Arkell fam oh my goodness, I love them so much! 

I can't handle it


Definitely in the top 10 happiest moments of my mission

Posterity! My mom Sister Runia, and my daughter Sister Bringhurst

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