
Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 39: Just be Happy

Okay, I have to get it out!

CINDY WAS BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This has been a crazy road with her but she did and it and has been so prepared! Preparing her has pretty much taken up the entire week but it is so worth it. I love to hear her testimony about how this is the beginning of her new life. :) My personal favorite was when we were talking to her right after she was baptized. We asked her what she was doing when she woke up so early that morning and she said, "Just being happy." I loved that. That is what this gospel does. This came from someone that has spent her whole life trying to find happiness and has finally found the beginning of it! So amazing. 

This week is transfer week.....I am going to train a brand new sister missionary here in Dodge! WHAT. I am so excited but really nervous at the same time. My mission president always says that the Lord calls the weak and the simple to do his work, so here I am! We realized last night that 1/2 of the missionaries in Dodge City are leaving...and had such a spiritual experience with 2 great families last night. We were all crying as everyone gave their testimony and advice to 2 sisters. One who is going home from her mission tomorrow and one who is leaving to go on her mission tomorrow. That night, most of us had a good, long(and much needed) cry session.

We had one of the most spiritual lessons of my mission this week. It was amazing! She was a little hesitant at first but came with an open mind and heart. By the end, we were all in tears and just soaked up the Spirit. The next day, we received a text from her that said that she no longer wants to meet with us. We were devastated. Missionary work is the best thing that I have ever done but it is so hard to watch someone feel the Spirit and then say no to it. I am praying and praying that we will be able to work with her in the future. 

It is so crazy to think how much I have changed since December 4th. This week, I hit my 1/2 way point. An elder said something this week that really struck me:

"When I first got out on my mission, I thought that God needed me. I know realize, that I needed him." 
So true. He has given me this opportunity to learn, grow, cry, laugh, serve, and see miracles happen right in front of my eyes. I love you all, Remember that God answers prayers! 

When we realized that we were both going to train...

Dodge City

The good old seminary days

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