
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week 41: Fall is Here

Hello hello! 

Woo-wee! What a week! Bear with me while I try to tell you about it! 

The week started off a bit rough, on Monday, we got a call from a recent convert and they were feeling super overwhelmed and does not want to be involved with the church anymore. I had no idea how to respond. Before my mission, I always thought that missionaries just always knew the right thing to say, but I quickly learned otherwise! I sat there praying, "Heavenly Father, this is your child, and I don't know what to say. All I know is to love them." That was crazy and super hard. BUT I trust God and I know that they have a firm testimony. All will be well in it's own due time. 

I know that I said this last week but seriously, training  Sister Bringhurst = the Lord training me. I need the information and the role-plays way more than she does. I have less time to think about myself because I am trying to stay busy and focused with helping her lay the foundation for the rest of her mission. 

This week, we were having lunch at a restaurant with the mission president's wife when some of my favorite music started playing. I usually just tune it out but this time, there was nothing I wanted more than to ask them to turn it off! Seriously, my stomach started to hurt and I started to feel sick. haha I guess that a mission really changes you. Some day I will be the most awkward RM ever and it will be a blast. 
We got to witness such a great miracle this week! When a new investigator wasn't home, I felt prompted to knock on the house next door. A lady let us in immediately! We quickly found out that she was baptized in California 20 years ago and has not been to church in 7 years! She told us that she has been wanting to take her family back to church! Plus, her sister in law is Cindy who was just baptized! WHAT. It was so cool to see a big chain of events lead us to her! The Lord truly prepares people and it is so cool to have a front-row seat! 

This week, I prayed that we would find solid investigators who are ready to accept the restored gospel into their lives. And God delivered! We were blessed to find 7 new investigators this week and quite a few of them are solid! I am so excited to work with them! The are so sincere and just want to know truth from God.  

I love this crazy, adventurous, never-boring, hard, busy lifestyle! It's not easy but the Lord really does not ask much from me. A year and a half is nothing compared to what the Savior did for me. I love you all! 

Remember that God answers prayers! 
Sister Parry

Just put this up a few weeks ago


And we walked, and walked, and walked and walked.......

You can have our car, I'm down with the stagecoach! 


sent from my I pad 

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