
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Week 13

Happy 3 month anniversary!!

I hope that everyone's week was great! 
The highlight of the week was definitely Shelley being BAPTIZED!!! That was so amazing! There is nothing quite like watching someone you taught and worked with enter the waters of baptism! She is so solid and I just love her! 

This week was full of sister missionaries! First, there was a Sister's Conference. That was fun to meet 1/2 of the sister's in the mission and run into some old MTC buddies! We also learned how to hula, and in case you were wondering, it is no easy task! I'm sure it was a sight watching all of us trying to figure out what on earth we were doing! Rest assured, I probably won't become a hula-master anytime soon...
We also adopted 2 sister's for a day and attacked Salina! We got so much done, it was insane! We felt pretty cool tracting in the snow and even got a few potential investigators from it! Success! We went to see a less-active. As we were leaving, I asked her grandson for a high-5 and instead he gave me a hug, Connor melts my heart! Kids have the light of Christ so strong! In fact, we are teaching a 10 year-old Emily who wants to be baptized! Her and Sister Prince are attached at the hip! She even brought a friend to church yesterday! What?! 

So, what do you do when you wake up to frozen pipes...AGAIN??! Yep, we don't have any running water....nothing. How many water bottles can we use? I'll find out and let you know! Luckily, the ward is so nice and lets us do laundry and such at their homes :) 

This is such a short email even though this week was pretty intense! Sorry! I hope that you all are having a great week. Remember that God answers prayers!
Loves and a hug from Kansas, 

Sister Parry

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