
Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 15

My fate has been determined! 

*drumroll* I am being transferred to Emporia Kansas!! I am going to serve with Sister Heger! Don't know who that is but I am excited! Although, it is going to be so sad to leave Salina, this is all that I have ever known. I had a feeling that I would be leaving though because I was starting to get comfortable here. 

So we had a bunch of craziness regarding miles but in the end, we did a lot of walking this week! Thankfully, the weather is really looking up so it was fun. 

We were cleaning up a yard and an elder asked me to clean up the lawn and handed me a broom. Let me repeat myself, a BROOM. What on earth am I supposed to do with that?! Fine. I responded with, "I'll get this lawn cleaner than your kitchen floor!" It was great. 

We had an awesome lesson with Emily this week. She is so receptive to the spirit! It testifies to me that I am not teaching her anything new, I am simply reminding her of things that she has already learned before this world. Ah, remember Melissa that walked into church last week? She is still so solid! She does not want a date yet but seriously, she has been so prepared for the gospel! 

The best part of the week was having the mini-missionaries over for 2 days. Remember Alexia who got baptized in January? She was one of our mini-missionaries! Oh my, it was so great to spend 2 whole days with her! I hope that she liked to see the other side of missionary work. 

Salina has been so good to me. The work just started to REALLY pick up so it will be super sad to leave. I know that the Lord has a plan though and I can't wait to see what he has in store for me. I love this gospel. I learn so much about it and myself everyday. I encourage everyone to always read, pray, and study your scriptures. It makes a huge difference! 
I love this work that I get to do everyday!
Remember that God answers prayers! 
Loves and a hug from Kansas, 
Sister Parry

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