
Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 14

Hi friends! 

Okay, to call this week INSANE would be a big understatement! I don't even know how to go about talking about it, but I'll give it a go:
Shelley is doing so great! She called us up and told us that she is so proud to be Mormon! It was so sweet and reminded me of my purpose. Things got hard on her and we spent a while on the phone with her later on encouraging her. She is so strong! I was so happy to see her this Sunday, and her teenage son showed up to church as well! He even knows 2 of the young men in the ward! ;)
Also at church yesterday, we had a miracle! A woman walked in, told us that she has been reading and praying about the Book of Mormon, and wants to be baptized! WHAT. This just does not happen! I am so excited to work with her. Also yesterday, a less-active that we have been working with came to church! I was so happy! 

So, funny story; as we were walking into the church, I realized that I forgot to put on my name tag!! I felt empty without it! So, I wore one of Sister Prince's and only one person asked about it! :D 
The highlight of the week was definitely when DAVID A. BEDNAR came to the mission. Yep, definitely my favorite part of this week! Every missionary came and he spoke to us for 2 hours! The best part? When we got to have a question-answer session with him!! Also, he is HILARIOUS!! I will probably never laugh so hard with an apostle ever again!

This week, I am looking forward to having two mini-missionaries spend 2 days with us! We are going to party it up missionary-style! Staying up till 10:30, drinking OJ you know, life on the edge...;) 
Missionary life is the best! I wake up everyday and love what I do. Hard things are worth it. I love and miss you all! Go talk about the gospel with someone and be an example! I cannot count how many times people tell us all about the Mormons that they have met! Make that experience a good one for them, and plant the seeds! 

 Remember that God answers prayers!
Loves and a hug from Kansas,
Sister Parry

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