
Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 16

What's crack-a-lakin?!

So, I made it to Emporia! It's smaller than Salina and it's so fun! Sister Heger is the coolest person ever! She is so funny and awesome. We live with members who are the sweetest people ever! 
So, guess who is riding a bike part time now....yep! Good thing I am so balanced and coordinated(jokes, jokes) The good news is that Sister Heger almost was hit by a car ONLY ONCE so far, I'm counting my blessings! 

It is pretty weird to not be in Salina anymore but the ward is so welcoming! We have an investigator on date who has a lot of health concerns and is trying to quit smoking. She had a moment of sadness when we were over there and we tried to encourage her. This week, I am going to fast for her and we are going to have a big lesson on hope. She is a fighter and I love her already!

The fun moment of the week was probably either saving 2 birds or rocking out to primary songs all the way to Topeka. It must be a missionary thing to love MoTab so much! 

I have also discovered something new! Sister Heger says that all this week, I have talked in my sleep!! WHAT?! The first night here, I even walked! I am sort of wierded out! Well, you learn something new every day I guess! 

I really feel the Spirit here in Emporia, I know that Sister Heger and I have a lot of work to do here and I am excited for the challenge! Is anyone else PUMPED about conference?!?!!!! I am so stoked! Only 2 more weeks!! 

Well, I hope that all is going great with you all! I love you hear from you! Keep reading those scriptures, praying and going to church! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Loves and a hug from Kansas, 
Sister Parry

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