
Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 73: " I Delight in My Call to Serve"

So, one time ELDER HOLLAND CAME TO KANSAS AND I GOT TO SHAKE HIS HAND. Sister Forsgren and I were sitting right were we could see the faces of everyone as they walked away from shaking his hand. Without exception, everyone would either: 1. stare at their hand in awe vowing to themselves that they would never wash it again or 2. Walk away feeling like they were the coolest person in the world because they are now homies with Elder Holland. I was trying to explain to a recent convert that he is basically a celebrity in the Mormon-world..for some reason they didn't quite understand my enthusiasm! He told us that a general authority can interview your spirit when they look into your eyes....I hope that I passed! :) I have been praying for weeks that I would be receptive to what the Lord needed to teach me when Elder Holland came. His message to us was that we need to love our mission with all of our hearts and that this is the most important thing that we will ever do. 

Serving in Kansas has given me an entire new perspective on road trips. This week, we are going to be driving for 13+ hours. Today and Friday we are driving to Manhattan, Tomorrow we are going to Wichita, and Thursday we are going to the KANSAS CITY TEMPLE WITH SHELLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in case you're wondering the countdown is: 3 days away.  Haha We're carpooling with Shelley and she was less than excited when we told her that we couldn't listen to normal music, so we're going to show her how to road trip the missionary way(WOOT) 

I have been sitting at this computer for 45 mintues desperately trying to think of anything else that happened this week to tell you about. Everything that comes to mind would either take too much explanation and background stories to make any sense at all or is only about Elder Holland. 

Miracle of the week: I actually cried.(it's a big deal I promise) we were singing our mission song to Elder Holland and when we sung the line: "Oh we dearly love our great mission, and our Savior, Lord and King" I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Line of the week: 
The entire mission was trying to find a seat in the chapel before Elder Holland came and the mission president was stressing out: 
"HE'S HERE!!!! EVERYONE! SIT DOWN, BE QUIET, HE'S HERE! HE'S HERE!!!!!" Then a mass of missionaries booked it to the next available seat in the room in complete silence. 

Well, I love you all lots, I can't wait to hear from you and remember that God answers prayers!!

Sister Parry

                                       KWM Mission Conference‏

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