
Monday, May 18, 2015

Week 75: We Talk about Miracles

Happy Monday everyone! 

It's transfer week and It's official! I am ending my mission right where I started it in good ol' Salina Kansas! One eternal round! My companion is going home this week and my new companion is named Sister McClees. I am sooo excited to be companions with her! She seems like a great missionary, I can tell that the best transfer is about to be here! Because it's Sister Forsgren's last week, we basically just thrashed it all week long. We went on 2 exchanges which helps keep me extra motivated and working extra hard. 

Miracle of the week: 
We really needed to find more people to teach in a major time-crunch, so we prayed and promised Heavenly Father that we would talk to 5 new people and pleaded that we would find someone who has been prepared to hear and live the Gospel. God found us 2. After talking to 3 people that barely spoke any English, and someone that was in the middle of a family party, the 5th person that we talked to was so cool! She is 21 and is looking to have God more involved in her life. It never ceases to amaze me how nice God is to us. I feel so grateful to be a part of this great work of the Salvation of the human soul. 

You know what I love? The Atonement. While I was on exchanges, I don't know what was wrong with me, but I could barely form sentences in a way that made any sense to someone that is a non-member. It was rough. Miraculously, the Spirit was there and taught everyone despite my shortcomings. We talked to tonnnns of new people that day and found a few new people to work with! All because God has got our backs!

Lines of the week: 

"I am in a state of rebellion right now." 
"I can't go on team-ups on Thursdays. That is when I golf, and I plan on golfing someone into the church."

I want you all to know how much I love the Gospel and how much I love my mission. I have changed a lot here, and I can't wait to continue to change even more. This is the best thing that I could be doing right now. I love you all and miss you! Remember that God answers prayers!! 

Sister Parry

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