
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 56: Pants?!

The hardest part about writing a letter is starting it out. I always try to shoot for a good balance, of positive/funny/spiritual, you know, something that will keep your attention for a few paragraphs!

Did anyone else realize that for a whole year, almost none of you knew me or saw me! Weird. Where did 2014 go?! Oh yeah, I'm on a mission; therefore I am in the biggest time warp! 

This week started off on an interesting note, we went ice skating with like 30 missionaries. I love ice skating, so I have been pumped for this for a few weeks now. Then I realized that ice skating requires wearing pants. Believe it or not, I have completely forgotten HOW to wear pants. How do you put them on? How do you move in them? Is this what I really look like with pants on? Where is my skirt?!? The minute that we walked into the ice rink, a few recent converts saw us and the first thing that they said to us was, "YOU LOOK LIKE HUMANS!!!" :/ All I could say back was, "I know! :'( Where's my skirt??" From this experience, I decided that I am only going to wear skirts for at least a month after I get home. 

We had such a great lesson with the Lira's this week. We talked about the priesthood and it was 
amazing to watch Gonzalo take his priesthood duty so seriously! We talked about the keys that he holds now, and had the elders talk to him about worthiness and preparing for the Melchizedek Priesthood. The whole thing was of course focused on the whole family and the temple as always. :) 

Is Christmas really gone already?? This week, there is nothing I wanted more than to be as busy as possible. That turned out to be a little hard because no one was home! Given, visiting family is the 2nd best thing to do other than to hear about the Restored Gospel. :) We celebrated by going caroling a few times, going to a baptism, eating TONS of food, and skyping the family!! 

An adventure this week was that everyone and their dog as sick this week! Including me!! It was enough to keep me in the apartment for a day. Being sick as a missionary is just so weird. All you do is sleep, read the Book of Mormon, and watch church movies(I probably watched more church movies than I ever have on my whole mission combined!) 

So, I don't know if I mentioned it but at the end of November, we were challenged to finish the Book of Mormon by Christmas looking for examples of faith and every time that the Savior is mentioned. This has been such a great blessing! I have a new-found testimony that the Book of Mormon truly is a way to get to know Jesus Christ so much better no matter how well you think that you know him! 

There is so much more that I want to tell you all about but this email is getting long so I will bid you all farewell until next year! I love you all! Remember that God answers prayers!
Sister Parry

favorite quote of the week: 
"Sometimes, I feel that you two are spies sent to watch me and my family!"
ummmmm NOT the impression that we were going for! 

I taught my daughter how to ice skate! PS don't look at what I am wearing!

"What am I wearing?!" So the down side to ice skating is that it requires wearing pants!

I finally got a pony for Christmas! 

The whole crew

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