
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week 58: Manhappening!

Happy Monday everyone! 

I don't think that any written form of my past 7 days will do any of it justice, but I will try my hardest for you! 

So getting transferred and closing an area proves to be INSANE. You would be amazed at how much junk builds up after sister missionaries live in an apartment for yearsss. Goodbyes were pretty hard. The investigators, the Lira's, Sister Bringhurst. :'( As we drove into Manhattan, I felt like a country-girl seeing the big city for the 1st time-it is HUGE! Going from the "Cowboy Capital of the World" to College-town is a culture shock. 

Manhattan is amazing, Sister Jensen is amazing, and the 2 wards that we cover are amazing! My first Sunday here describes everything quite nicely! 

First of all, the university branch and the ward both start at the same time, so my companion and I had to go on splits with members to be at both! Then, the elders decided to go to the ward so I was the ONLY missionary at the branch. Lastly, I knew NO ONE there. With all of that in mind, let me tell you a story: 

I was waiting for 2 investigators from Ecuador to come and meeting everyone in the branch. I was super bummed when sacrament meeting started and they still were not there. As the meeting continued, someone told me that there were a few people at the door. Excited, I ran over to meet the investigators! When I got there, I found 4 random men also from Ecuador. They told me that a friend that goes here invited them to church. Confused, I found them a seat and sat back down. A few minutes later, 3 more come in. Then 2 more. This kept happening until 11 NON- MEMBER ECUADORIANS WERE SITTING IN SACRAMENT MEETING literally doubling the size of the branch!!! We could practically make a whole new Ecuadorian Branch if they all get baptized! It turns out, that an girl from Ecuador just returned from a mission and is now going to K-State so she invited EVERYONE. Sheesh. She got more investigators to church than I ever have! :) 

This week, we talked to everyone in our path! It felt so good! Manhattan has lots of people from lots of different backgrounds and stories! I wish that I had the time to tell you every story from this week! I love all of you! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry

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