
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 57: 13 Months?!

I'm sorry but this is going to be another week when my thoughts are in a thousand different directions and I don't know how to write an eligible email.

Have I really been out for 13 months?? Because it feels like it has only been 4! 
So, transfers are this week and all last week everyone in my district would not stop asking me where I think that I am going to. I guess that everyone assumes that your leaving when you have been in one place for nearly 6 months! There is something about transfers that is universal: they never end up how you think they will! 

I'm going to Manhattan University! And here is the real shocker, Sister Bringhurst is leaving too! It gets better: No one is going to replace us! WHAT. The other missionaries in Dodge will take over our area. I'm torn. BUT fortunately, the Lord is the one in charge here! I know that this coming transfer is going to be a great one! 

The weather. I just don't understand it especially in Kansas! The other morning, we walked outside and Sister Bringhurst mentioned how nice it felt. By that night, BAM. BLIZZARD. The best part is that our car was parked most of the week so the Lira's drove us home and it took over an hour to drive what usually takes 10-15 minutes. They even canceled church! 

This week, we saw so many miracles! We found so many solid people which is an answer to my prayers! There is 3 new people that are so serious about searching for truth in their own life! I love working with people like that because they usually have an open mind and are prepared for the Gospel. 

I have discovered how much I take the Gospel for granted! We started teaching Beatriz's aunt and, wow. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and I have never received so many questions in such a short amount of time! We went through the whole thing with her and asked if she had any more questions and all she said was, "No. it all makes sense. I've asked so many people these questions and no one could make me feel like you have." When we were teaching her about the first vision, she started crying and praying to thank God. Yesterday, we went over and she was in a bad spot. She told us that she was ready to give up. It was amazing to watch her whole attitude and demeanor change as we testified to her about the atonement. It is so hard to describe but I haven't experienced anything like that moment. The Spirit came into the room so strong and we all knew that God loves her SO MUCH. 

I hope that you all are falling in love with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as much as I am! I love and miss you all! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry

Quote of the week: 
"Grandma! If you're going to get baptized then you can't drink beer!" (coming from 4 year-old Julian Lira to his grandma who haven't been the biggest fan of them getting baptized) LOL 

A solid 5 degrees outside. Don't worry, it dropped even lower after we took the picture!! 

In the middle of the blizzard

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