
Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 31: 7 months!!! WHAT?!‏

So, apparently I wrote last week's email and totally forgot to send it....sorry!! 

To start off:

HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY TO THE KANSAS WICHITA MISSION!! And to my adorable nephew Bubba!!

ahh, yeah, I do NOT like the last one! Time flies way too quickly! 

But, Independence Day is one of my very favorite holidays along with Christmas and Easter so I celebrated it. I only wore red, white, and blue all week long! 

We celebrated by doing all that we could to find new investigators this week. We spent a lot of time at the university, at the park, and even singing to people on their doorstep! Maybe, they might listen to get us to stop singing! LOL 

If you want something fun to do, just watch me play some church basketball! I guarantee that it will be a sight worth seeing! My personal favorite moment was when my investigator who plays basketball for the university came to play with us and discovered how Mormons play:
Member: "out on me, it hit my thumb!"
Nick: "this is the most honest game of basketball that I have ever played!!" 

I nearly had a heart attack later this week! We were getting out of the car when I hear a voice. I couldn't see where or who it was but my companion could, and this is how it played:
Person: "HEY!"
Sister Andersen: "HEY!"
Person; "GO HOME!"
Sister Andersen: "What if we don't want to?! 

At that point, thinking that we were going to get shot, I was ready to grab my companion by the ears, shove her in the car, and drive away! Instead, I looked over to where she was looking at and see Pam standing there smiling from ear to ear! Gosh, they got me good! Pam then gave us a tour of her office and we got to meet some of her co-workers! 

The biggest thing that I learned this week was that we teach people NOT lessons. It's all about quality NOT quantity! When we let ourselves get discouraged, we are opening ourselves up to Satan to get to us. If we have an eternal perspective, we are opening ourselves up for the Holy Ghost to step in. 
I love and miss you all, remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry

Stay classy Kansas.

Happy Independence Day from the Topeka Zone!


Remember, God answers prayers!!

Battle scars from the bike!

Emporia is so pretty!

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