
Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 33: Too Many Twinkies


I cannot believe how fast this transfer has flown by!! 

Well, it is time to say goodbye to Emporia because I am crashing Dodge City this week! It is going to be such a bitter-sweet farewell..The Haddens, Debbie, Pam, Julie..I can't say that it is totally unexpected though, I've been here for 3 transfers! 

So do you remember 2 months ago I told you all this story:

"I love it when the Lord uses crazy situations and turns them into teaching opportunities! It all started when we were riding our bikes in the rain. I was turning and noticed that the ground was getting closer and closer until we met. The best part of falling was that it was at a 4-way stop with no less than 20 people watching the whole thing! LOL Fast forward to after we got to where we were going and I felt a little ridiculous. We were drenched, and our investigator was not even home. Just then, a man waved us down and turns out, he is looking for a church! If I didn't fall earlier, we would have completely missed him! His soul is worth much more than my hip anyways!"

This week, we were at Debbie's and we talk to a man and Sister Andersen tells me that they met him while I was gone on exchanges. He then tells us that he really wants to come to our church!!! HE REALLY CAME!!!!!! We were talking at church and some dots were connected...It was him! He was the one from 2 months ago!!! I couldn't Believe it! The Lord really does work in mysterious ways! 

Tuesday was also pretty eventful. After District Meeting, we get a call from our investigator who is quitting smoking. She was a little beside herself from not having a cigarette, we manage to calm her down with the Book of Mormon and pretty much bought out Walmart's cinnamon flavored anything. She has been cigarette free for 4 days now! Heavenly Father is so proud of this family, I just know it. When we told them that transfers are coming up, Cody promised to take us hunting sometime after the mission...Don't get me excited Cody!! I will follow up in a year! 

One of my favorite moments so far was for sure the Twinkie Festival on Saturday morning.(because this is Kansas and we need no excuse to throw a festival!) You better bet that I was in the Twinkie eating contest!! I couldn't talk Sister Andersen into it, but the elder's and I represented! Elder Daines took 4th overall and I got more twinkies down than Elder Landroche' (turns out that eating 8 twinkies in 4 minutes is not the best idea) Oh well, there were a load of less-actives, and members there so it was so worth it! 
Sister Andersen and I fell in LOVE with a tiny town called Americus. We have someone that lives out there and has been a battle to get a hold of so, we decided that it was worth the miles and drove out there with a list of less-actives to see. Oh my, this town in puny but I love it so much. They have one paved road and one stop light! The person that we were originally trying to see was out of town but we met a less-active who the Lord has definitely prepared to come back into the fold! 

I love you all! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Biggest burrito of my life. Seriously. My heart said DO IT but my stomach said NO :( 

We fell in LOVE with Americus. It only took me 4 1/2 months to get there but hey, better late than never right?

Cute, old Americus church. Now we just got to convert the whole congregation and call it good :)

Road trips!!

Dropped by the elder's apartment to find this. Gross. If you want something done, you got to do it yourself I guess.

Guess what?! Another brown recluse spider :/

This happened. Of course I just "LET" the less-active sitting next to me win.....

it was totally intentional...maybe..

Which is the best face?

BYE Topeka Zone!

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