
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week 32: I need Jesus in my life!!‏

I'm not even going to beat around the bush this week, you have to hear about the Brandi and Cody! 
So, we go over there and it is OPERATION KID. Sister Andersen and I take turns entertaining the very excited 2 year-old and teaching Brandi and Cody. He is absolutely adorable, and if it takes the entire contents of my purse to be dumped on the floor for him to be entertained and the parents to feel the Spirit-so be it! It was so great. Out of no where, Brandi turns to Cody and shouts, "I AM GOING TO CHURCH, NO IF'S AND'S OR BUT'S ABOUT IT! I NEED JESUS IN MY LIFE!!" Cody replied with, "haha, Yes you do!!" 
we taught them about the Word of Wisdom and Cody agreed to be baptized when he comes to know that Joseph Smith was really a prophet!! We told Brandi that the elders could come over to give her a blessing to help her with smoking. I asked Cody if he would be okay with that and laughing he said, "Sure, but do you really think that that will work?!" The Spirit was SO STRONG when we testified to them about the power of the priesthood. The next day, after her blessing, she looked up at us and said, "Wow! that was amazing! If feels like a ton of weight was just lifted off of my shoulders!" So amazing. The Priesthood, the church, it's all true! 

THEN they went shopping to buy a new outfit which they all looked so spiffy when they CAME TO CHURCH!!!! Cody recognized someone and invited them to their baptism! Even the 2 year-old was really quiet during Sacrament meeting until the end...yeah, Operation Kid came back into play: a highlighter, a frog key chain and a load of stickers. We were covered in stickers, but again, if it means that they feel the Spirit, SO BE IT!  

I have discovered the new world of Kansas bugs! There is one that lives in trees and sounds like a house alarm. The other is a microscopic devil called a chigger! They bite you and it itches just as much as a mosquito(which there are a TON of those here as well!) I have well over 20 bites all over my legs! Seriously, I am using anti-itch cream like lotion! The other thing that I discovered this week was that the elders deserve a medal for how many times they fixed Sister Andersen's bike this week! Every single day. 
All week long, I have been praying for a good ol' spiritual rebuking! I have been down in the dumps because we have not found a new investigator in 2 weeks. I got sick and tired of being sad about it so on Friday that was all fixed up. We had an 8-hour meeting in Topeka and it was 8 hours of a Spiritual overload! Every time President Bell talked, I would be rebuked from the Holy Ghost. I had a constant prayer in my heart thanking Heavenly Father for sending the Holy Ghost and asking him to tell me more! And he did! I was loving it! 

From the meeting, we went on exchanges with the STL's. I love exchanges! I always learn so much but something crazy happens every single time. We were driving back to Emporia when I thought to myself that this has been an odly normal exchange. Thinking that was a big mistake. No more than 2 minutes later, we got a call from a guy named Hawk who talked to us for a good 10 minutes. just to give you an idea about our conversation, I said, "Hi, how are you?" 

Hawk: "I am high as a cucumber!"
I promise, I didn't ask HOW HIGH are you! Goodness, we were creeped out but at least he felt impressed to call the missionaries LOL 
Another one of my favorite moments this week was when we ran into our investigator's friend. When he introduced us to his brother he said, 
"These are our friendly neighborhood Mormons!"

I'm pretty sure that every missionary needs a T-shirt with that on it now. I have it all planned out: 
"We are your friendly neighborhood Mormons!" on the front, and the back will say Someone, please, go make that happen! 

I love and miss you all! Remember that God answers prayers! 
Sister Parry 

Ps guess who found my bible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in Topeka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sister Andersen deserves a trophy. She also said that I have never smiled so big like I did during personal study the next morning! YESSSSSSSSSSS

Choose the Right

Studio C anyone?

Remember, God answers prayers! 

After Sacrament meeting....

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