
Monday, April 21, 2014

Week 20: An Easter Miracle!

HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!! 

The week started out on an interesting note, do you remember Christian Hug Guy? Yep, we ran into him again and he fed us VERY authentic Mexican food!  Even though my food was repeatedly dropped, it was no big deal because he gave us herbal tea to wash it down with...mine had a stick in it. It's no wonder I didn't leave the states! I had a great conversation with one of them:

Him: "What is your name?"
Me: "Sister Parry"
Him: "No. What is you REAL name" 
Me: "It's Sister Parry" 
Him: "I mean your actual name!"
Me: "I want to go by Sister Parry"
Me: *mumbles* "Sarah....."
Him: "Sarah!! Drink your tea!"
Me: :/

I won't lie, I actually prayed for my taste buds to handle the tea it was gross! I rewarded myself with some good ol' orange juice! Sister Heger LOVED all the food, but I guess that I am just a picky eater after all.
The rest of the week had similar adventures like thinking we were being chased by a dog when it turned out to be a tiny chihuahua, handing out fliers like no one's business, and biking in the wind. Let me tell you, the wind in Kansas, comes from every direction! We actually go slow down hills because of the wind!

The week had a tender moment though. We have an investigator named Faye. She finally let us teach her and at the end, she noticed that Sister Heger had an angel necklace and decided that I needed one as well. she gave me a beautiful one! Up until this moment it was all jokes about how crazy we are so I loved to see her be sincere. That sincere moment was short lived because she also gave me a Walking Dead necklace and a Budweiser keychain. Yep, I'm keeping it.

So, we spent all week long getting Sandy ready for her interview and her baptism on Easter Sunday! 8:30 Saturday night, we get a call from the bishop saying that he is not comfortable with a baptism happening on Easter Sunday and that the stake was supposed to talk to the mission president about it! UH-OH!! President Bell never heard about this so we spent the rest of the night on the phone with the bishop, President Bell, the ward mission leader and the zone leaders. It was decided to postpone the baptism. We were so frustrated. I was in a battle between my shoulder angel and shoulder devil! Honestly, this was a big moment for me. I was so discouraged and angry. The worst part was that we could not even tell Sandy that her baptism was postponed until we picked her up for church. She was disappointed but took it well and with a lot of faith.

President Bell came to church to see if she was okay, and to shake hands with the bishop. 5 minutes before sacrament meeting started, President Bell, walks up to us and says that the baptism is still on for 1:15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miracle worker! We ditched church to run over to grab Sandy's things, feed her, her her interviewed, and dressed. The poor elders really got it yesterday too! They had to teach a class last minute with the mission president there plus get it from us as well: "Hey elders do you want to loan us the car, play piano, witness the baptism, and confirm her in 10 minutes??" We owe them big time! 
It was some of the craziest 24 hours of my life but when all is said and done, Sandy is the newest member of the church! I don't care what I have to do or go through, it is my job to give her every opportunity to come closer to Christ, so it was all worth it. I would do it all again any day. Looking back, I see that maybe Heavenly Father wants me to have more faith and trust in the Savior. As it says in Proverbs 3: "acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" 
Lesson learned. 
The rest of the day we were pretty exhausted but because it is Easter we wanted to celebrate! We dyed over 30 eggs and wrote scriptures on them, we hid them in less-active's yards and sent them on a scripture chase! I have been the Easter Bunny in my family for a few years now, and I am not giving it up any time soon!

Happy Easter everyone and I hope that you all got to remember the true meaning of Easter! That EVERYTHING was made possible through the Savior's atonement and resurrection. I thrive off of what I get to do each and every day! This really is the time of my life! 
I love and miss you all! Remember that God answers prayers!

Loves and a hug from Kansas, 
Sister Parry 

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