
Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 19: A Christian Hug

So this week was...eventful. 

We were in between appointments looking for productive things to so when a random man runs up to us and asked why we never stopped by again. We figured that the sisters before us had talked to him once so we we talked to him for a few minutes. Soon, he started asking us if we were familiar with paint colors...

"uhh...I guess" 

We soon realized that we were not who he thought we were but I know a teaching opportunity when I see one, so we ended up following him to a few houses that he was remodeling and gave him all sorts of remodeling advice! After we picked out the wall colors for the whole house, we sat down and taught the Restoration to him! They were receptive and asked some great questions! As we were leaving he randomly hugs Sister Heger and when we tried to protest he said, "It's okay, because it's a Christian hug!!" and hugged me anyways! 

Walking away from that, we asked each other what exactly just happened. I don't really know, but He's going to have a great looking house and the elders will have a new investigator! Everyone wins! That one encounter was a miracle, spiritual, and just weird, all in one! 

Our mission is having a mission-wide Easter Baptism Day! It looks like our investigator Sandy is going to be a part of that! She has met with missionaries twice before us over the last few years so I am so glad to see that the Lord has prepared her! I love watching people see so much hope in the Gospel! She has read the Book of Mormon a few times and really wants to do this! 

Want to know one of the greatest feelings ever? When 3 investigators show up to church!! YAY! We promised Debbi that if she comes to church every week, reads and prays every day, she will see her life turn around. She is so much happier ever since! Pam is also unbelievably close! She told us that she is a little scared of receiving an answer if Joseph Smith was a prophet. She knows that if that is true, the Book of Mormon and the church is true as well. Basically, if she gets her answer, she knows what she will do and is a little intimidated by it. 

I am so excited for Easter this Sunday! I hope that all of us take time out of our day to think about the Savior and how much he has done for us! 

I love what I do and everyday is a crazy adventure! Remember that God answers prayers! 
Loves and a hug from Kansas, 
Sister Parry
Obedience is the price, faith is the power, love is the motive, the Spirit is the key and CHRIST is the reason! 

Attempting sports again! AND I learned how to play rugby!

Let's play a game, what is the weather going to be like today? Sunday=Thunderstorm!!

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