
Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 18

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!!!!!!!! And happy anniversary to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I hope that everyone that everyone was blown away by general conference; I know that I was! 

I would be a liar if I said that Conference was not my favorite part of the week. I think that I need to work on being more reverent during conference-I tried to tone down the fist-bumps and "Yeah!". I'm not even kidding. I was excited. 

All week long, we prepped everyone to listen to conference. We challenged everyone to write down a question and listen to it with that question in mind. I have done it for a few years and it works wonders! The Spirit will talk to you if we listen! 

Admittedly, the week had a rough start when an investigator dropped us after an intense lesson. Sad. Thankfully, the Lord ALWAYS has blessings in store for us if we will listen and look for them! When I look back on the day, I see that the Spirit was working in crazy ways!  

We were biking around and in-between appointments, with nothing to do at the moment, Sister Heger remembered about a less-active that lived in an apartment close by. When no one was home, we left a note on the door and I played around on a piano in the hallway and enjoyed a view of Kansas from 4 floors up. We left and just as we got on the elevator the less-active ran out of it! She started to run down the hallway and we yelled, "are you Adelle??" She yelled, "Yes! follow me!!" so we chased her down the hallway and had a great lesson with her! She was able to remember why she joined the church, and I really feel like she has been prepared to come back to church with her kids. Looking back, we realized that if I hadn't played around on the piano and stopped to enjoy the view, we would have completely missed seeing her! 

We have been on our bikes all this week and that always leads to interesting The sad but hilarious moment was when Sister Heger yells, "Sister! I think that I just swallowed a bug!!!" LOL I was almost in tears! I'm such a bad companion! 

Seriously, Pam is SO CLOSE to finding her answer! She wants it so bad! I have never wanted anyone to get an answer so bad in my life before! 

I hope that everyone's week was great! Don't forget what you learned in conference! Remember that
God answers prayers! 

Loves and a hug from Kansas,
Sister Parry

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