
Monday, February 17, 2014

Week 11

Happy Valentines Day!!! I hope that everyone feels God's love for them! 
Sister Prince and I celebrated by making Valentines for everyone and handing them out with candy attached to it. I think that they turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself :) 

The best thing that happened on Valentines day was a conversation that I had with a non-member;

We were starting to share a message when Andy started to turn to leave:
Me: "Andy!! I promise you will want to hear this scripture!"
Andy: (looks at me like im crazy)
Me: Andy, I PROMISE!  I'm not trying to shove you into a baptismal font, but I promise that you want to hear this scripture!"
Andy: (turns back around)
Song of Soloman Chapter 4:1 "Your hair is like a flock of goats" yep. that chapter is a love song I would highly suggest reading it! Anyways, Andy even stayed for the prayer! Thank you Soloman! 

Sister Prince and I are really getting to know the city. And by that I mean that we are getting lost left and right! Let me tell you, that I never knew that I would learn how to use a map before! Somehow, the Spirit has blessed me with a gift of knowing North from South so that has kept us alive for a while at least! Here is another funny conversation that happened while trying to navigate:

Sister Prince: South Phillips Avenue just does not exist! UGH! 
Me:(looks up at the street sign in front of us) Yes it does. 
Sister Prince: NO IT DOESN'T! 
Me: Yes. 
Sister Prince: NO IT DOESN'T!! 
Yes. South Phillips Avenue was there the ENTIRE TIME! Wow. CLASSIC. 

One of the greatest things that happened this week was that I received a blessing. For some reason, I have a hard time asking for them but they are always worth it! I have come to a deep appreciation and testimony of the priesthood! I am so thankful that I have access to it! One of the things that I learned this week was that I need to take advantage of every moment that I have here! I am trying to bring up the gospel in every conversation that I have with people. It's hard even for missionaries, but so important! You never know how far a brief message about the gospel can go! 

I was also tempted this week. We went into Walmart and one of my favorite songs was on....and I can't sing OR dance to it! Ahhh!! That was just a trial run because we also went to a wedding reception where they played ALL OF MY FAVORITE SONGS. Man, I am learning self-restraint! 

Anyways, the mission life is going great! My testimony grows every day! Remember that God answers prayers! 
Loves and a hug from Kansas, 

Sister Parry

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